You were sitting in your dorm, reading a box when your phone started ringing. You put your bookmark on the page you stopped on and grabbed your phone. "Oh its Kiri!" You said to yourself then awnsered. "Hey Man!" You said.
"Hey Y/N! What are you doing?" Kirishima asked. "Oh nothing I've just been reading this whole time" You awnsered. "Oh then do you want to come train for tomorrows test with me?" Kiri asked. "Sure I'll be there in 10!" You said then hanging up the phone.
You walked to your closet and looked through your drawers for your exercising clothes. SOon you found some red shorts, a red crop top and a black hoodie jacket.
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Red was Kiri's favorite color so you thought it would be cute. You've had a crush on Kirishima for a while now so you wanted to where something he liked. You grabbed your phone and a few water water bottles then started to walk out the door.
"Hey Man! I'm on the way!" You typed and sent to Kiri. "Ok see you soon!" Kiri texted back. Then you walked out the door and headed to the gym. When you got there Kiri was waiting for you by the door. "Hey Kiri!" You said as you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Kiri wrapped you around your waist and pulled you close which made you blush a little.
"Hey y/n you ready to train?" Kiri asked as he pulled away from you, with his arms you still. "I'm ready!" You say holding up your fist and start punching his chest lightly, making him laugh. You loved it when his laugh or even smiled. You two walked into the gym and went to the training platform. You two got your gear on then went to
You took your jacket off before going over. The crop top you were wearing showed some of your stomach and the shorts were REALLY short. Once Kiri saw you in them he turned almost as red as his hair.
"What?~ You like what you see?" You teased, shaking your hips as Kiri blushed even more red. "L-Lets just start!" Kiri said as he covered his eyes. You stopped and got ready to fight. Kiri took his hands away and got ready too. You ran up ready to punch but Kiri dodged you and you fell over. Kiri laughed then came over to help you up.
"You ok?" Kiri asked, holding out his hand for you to take. You nodded and took his hand. "Ok so how about you try flipping me over your shoulder?" Kiri asked. "Ok lets do it!" You said, holding up your fits. He took your hands and put you both in the position. You tried to pull him over your shoulder but you couldn't then Kiri got this great idea to pull you over his shoulder and pin you to the ground.
"Heh I've got you..." Kiri teased and you opened your eyes to see what happened and saw Kiri face inches away from yours. Your face turned as red as his hair as you looked into his Ruby eyes. "You ok?" Kiri asked with worry in his eyes. You tried to say something but you kept on stuttering your words.
Kiri noriced how nervous you were and leaned a little closer to your face, teasing you which made you blush even more. Kiri closed the gape between you two. His soft lips gently pressed against yours. Kiri pulled himself away and smirked. All you could do is blush and hide your face in your hands.
"Heh want to go to my dorm?" Kiri asked and winked. You nodded and Kiri got off of you. You two got your stuff and walked to his dorm.