Chapter 32 - I Love You

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December 08, 2015 - Tuesday


The lighter twin looked back to see Killer running up to them. That smile plastered on his face and Dream found that thr usual. Nightmare continued walking while the two fall back to talk to each other. Killer told him stories back when he got home. Dream would found humor at some situation and would make a joke about it.

They all entered the gates while some students found their presence usual, it sometimes made them wonder on Killer and Dream's closeness. Killer guided them to their class before leaving.

Dream watched him leave before sitting down and resting his face on his hand. "Killer seemed... too happy, or is it just me?"

"No, I've noticed too. What's gotten to him?" Nightmare asked.

"Beats me..." Dream shrugged as he recalled for any homeworks because some of the students were standing up and looking at other's desk.

He managed to grab one of the student's attention. "What subject is that?"

"That's Science, Dream."

"What? We... don't have homeworks there, right?"

"There is. About Genetics, you know? You haven't done yours, right? It's the first subject so you better do it now."

What?! How had he not known about this?!

"Nightmare! I don't think we have an assignment in Science!" Dream shook his brother as he began to panic.

"I've already done mine." Night said.

"What?! Since when?" Dream felt his soul hammered against his rib cage from nervousness.

"Yesterday night after we got home."

"And you didn't tell me."

"I thought you'll remember." Night only shrugged.


Dream stood up and grabbed some paper and pen and went for Blue's seat because he knew his brother won't be giving him answers anytime soon and possibly say that he'll give it later and by later he meant after the subject. He apologized for the copying but Blue waved it off saying that it's fine as long as it wasn't a test paper.

Well, what can he say? Cramming is Life.

Nightmare watched his brother rephrasing the sentences from Blue's paper and summarizing some of it to avoid plagiarism as he says. When he finished, the writing doesn't even looked like rushed at all. Dream gave back the paper and wrote his name in an elegant calligraphy. He used some other pen color and drew DNAs and other stuffs and when it was done, the homework doesn't even looked like rushed nor was it copied at all.

In that same time, Ma'am Elizabeth walked in. "Alright class, pass your homeworks."

Nightmare knew to never give Dream free answers because he'll even surpass your score by the seemingly amount of effort put in that simple paper that he had only done for almost five minutes.


Dream breathed out a sigh of relief as lunch arrived. He asked his brother if he wanted to eat with him but Nightmare said that he had other things to do and so he went to the garden alone.

It was almost scary to go back to the same place where they were yesterday but it only happens in full moons right? It will be fine. He noticed someone familiar under the shades of the trees. He could never mistake that target like soul and jacket.

"Killer." It was more of a call rather than a confirmation of identity.

The other looked at him with that same welcoming grin. "Hi, Dream. Planned to take lunch here?"

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