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It had been 6 months since Tord left. Things had changed a lot since then.
Right after Tord left, Matt had accidentally pressed the button on the Memory Eraser Gun, causing him to momentarily forget who he was.
Edd stayed in his room for 3 days after Tord left. And Tom...
Tom was pissed at me for kissing Tord. And I knew for a fact he wanted to kill Tord.
And I was now the Yellow Leader. Which might cause some problems, seeing as the Yellow Army and Red Army hate each other.
I was wearing Tord's hoodie. It had the bitter sweet scent of cigars and gun smoke.
I loved his hoodie.
I haven't washed the hoodie since Tord left, partly because I didn't want it to lose his scent. And because it hasn't gotten dirty.
I loved this hoodie. And it was the one thing keeping me from losing my shit.
I remembered Tord's promise he made before he left.
We'll meet again, he had said. I hope he meant it.

Word Count: 176

Hey guys! I hope you all liked the first book, because if you did your gonna love this book! If you have an requests or ideas, feel free to tell me!
Stay sweet my beautiful demons and angels! 😇 😈

~Mysterious Graclin

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