Chapter 15: Sorry doesn't cut it

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I was sitting on my bed, hugging my stuffed animal, when Tord suddenly burst into the room.
"Hey Tord." I said, looking up at him.
He ignored me and grabbed my arm, causing me to whimper loudly.
"So I'm guessing that Patt had told the truth." He said coldly as he pulled up the sleeve of my shirt.
He stared at the cuts on my arm before running his fingers over one of the cuts.
I yelped loudly as he smirked.
"Why did you do it?" His voice was deadly calm, and his smirk was starting to unnerved me.
"T-they didn't forgive me." I whispered softly as the tears burned my face.
"Did Thomas forgive you?" He asked as he kept tracing my cuts.
I slightly whimpered. "Y-yes. He did."
He went to trace one of my deeper cuts. I grabbed his wrist and said, "P-please don't."
He glanced at my expression before saying, "You shouldn't have cut yourself."
He then lightly touched his finger to the cut, causing me to yelp in pain.
He let go of my arm and pulled down my sleeve. "Next time just tell me. Don't cut yourself."

Tord's POV

I felt angry and betrayed as I walked out of her room.
Why didn't she just tell me! I thought furiously as I stormed down the hall.
Does she not trust me? I asked myself as I slammed my office door shut.
The alliance is tomorrow. I hope this doesn't mess things up!

Word Count: 256

Hey guys! The last chapter is coming out soon!
I hope your excited!!!
My new book is a Tom x Tord! It's called Hate Equals Love (Tom x Tord)
Be safe my little demons and angels! 😇 😈

~Excited Graclin

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