Finally Getting New Parts

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Time Elapsed Since Last Activation - 46 Hours 21 Minutes.

Slowly Mechas sensors begin to activate, his internal systems booting up, his visual receptors booting up fairly early on letting his vision come to, opening his eyes meeting the gaze of that strange dragon.
"Greetings again, good to see you're still working fine, how're your systems?" He asks earning a low groan from Mecha before he does a system check.
Systems Check
Visual Systems - 98%
Audio Systems - 94%
Vocal Systems - 91%
Movement Systems - 84%
Scenting Systems - 34%
Taste Systems - 44%
Digestive Systems - 47%
Solar Systems - 84%
Armor Systems - 41%

Onyx nods as he watches the data process on the screen "Looks like the new systems aren't working too well but at least they're working, that's a start" He says with a chuckle "As for your armor systems, that'll be low for a while until we've got your whole body covered, you're still partly a skeleton at current, the dwarf can only work for so long before he needs to rest" He says, motioning to the dwarf who's slumped down beside his forge, clearly not the best place to be resting but it's one of his best known places if anything.

Onyx shifts a little "So, what can you smell?" He asks earning a slight frown from the mechanical being who sniffs at the air, flinching slightly at the scent of smoke, metal and ash, relaying those same scents to Onyx who nods "May need to clean your nostrils out later, could be clogged up and as is we don't have you any systems to clear that, definitely something to work on" He says with a sigh, scratching his head slightly with one of his wings "You really are a pain in the ass y'know that?" He chuckles "But I must say, working on you has been the most fun I've had in a while, plus it's making Riddik over there be a little more social than his usual avoid everyone choice" He chuckles a little more before yawning "I'd say you'll be in much better shape by the end of the week" He notes earning a nod and slight smile from Mecha.

As the dragon continues his work, forging together parts of the metal the dwarf had worked on, infusing parts with magic and adding bits of wiring between other parts, seemingly doing what he can to minimalise the amount of wiring involved though, likely due to how weak wiring can be. Mecha remains conscious for the moment, just quietly watching the dragon work, finding it rather curious, trying to figure out what he's working on.
"You're wondering what parts I'm working on aren't you?" Onyx asks, looking over his shoulder back at the mechanical being, Mecha simply nodding in response to the question.
"Well, if you must know I'm currently working on upgrading your vocal and adding a respiration system so you can breathe" He explains, showing some parts of the mechanics, the parts looking vaguely like what he suggested they'd be, although they're rather small he didn't seem to care, if it upgraded him he wanted it, he wanted to be whole, not just a shell of a being, not anymore.

"Hrngg ... Oh crap, did I fall asleep again" Riddik groans as he pushes himself to his feet "Why didn't you wake me dragon" He calls to Onyx earning a chuckle from the black scaled dragon "It's best you get at least a little rest, your kind aren't good at staying awake for extended amounts of time, often your kinds work will deteriorate in quality when you are tired, same as most species" He retorts, shifting a little "You need to get back to working on his body, we need a fair amount of plates still, his whole rear end is missing coverings" He says to the dwarf as he shifts back to his working place, continuing to work on the parts he'd previously said, the Riddik soon getting back to work hammering the metal parts at the forge, hammering them into the shapes required, each part rather large and as Mecha now noticed, each part he worked on he added small details to, the most noticeable being that he'd actually been adding a scaled design to the bodyparts, the short being humming tunes to himself as he works, obviously the sort that enjoys his work a great deal.

Time Elapsed Since Last Activity - 2 Hours 19 Minutes.

"Mecha, come on big guy, time to wake up" The deep toned voice of the dwarf calls out, stirring Mechas internal systems once again, his systems booting up somewhat faster than before "Hmm?" He murmurs as his eyes open and visual sensors activate, looking at Riddik who stands in front of him.
Mecha slowly shifts, feeling more energetic and stable than before, he moves a little, looking himself over, he looked ... He looked good, his body was now whole, they'd managed so much in such a short time, it was honestly amazing to him.
Mecha shifts again and looks back at the dwarf "What now?" He asks softly earning a heary chuckle from the dwarf "Now it's time to begin testing your body and see how well it's all working" He says with a big grin on his face, obviously proud of his work, something he certainly had reason to do, the new body Mecha now had looked amazing, almost akin to the real thing.

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