The Final Test For Freedom

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Time Elapsed: 12 Hours 52 Minutes.

"Tha's it, na' do a fast turn" The dwarf calls out, Mecha responding almost immediately and turning within a second, his reaction and movement times having increased hugely over the hours of training he'd been doing, luckily for him his systems had been updated to gain the ability to learn rather quickly, allowing him to learn new things faster and allowing him to improve his skills in the same way.

"So, how's his progress coming along?" The familiar black dragons voice asks, Riddik chuckling in response "I'd say he's about ready, he's made more progress than most do in months" He answers, this seeming to intrigue Onyx, a soft chuckle coming from him shortly after as he shifts, sitting outside watching the now much more fluent movements of the mechanical being "Looks like all the work we did has come in handy for him huh?" Onyx responds with an amused expression "Think he'll pass the test?" He then adds earning a grin from the dwarf "I'd bet he's got wha' it takes" He says earning a smirk from Onyx "Oh, wanna make good on that? I'm up for putting on a bet" He coaxes "Though if we're having a bet, I'll not play quite so nice with him" He adds, obviously not one to intentionally lose a bet.
Riddik chuckles and nods "I'll take yer bet dragon, let's make this interesting" He says earning a smirk from Onyx "Then we have a bet?" He asks earning a nod from the dwarf, seeming to have some wager already set in place, likely often betting against one another.

"How're your energy levels doing Mecha?" Onyx calls up to the mechanical beast, Mecha slowing his flight and slowly hovering to the ground, landing rather gently compared to the heavy landings when he started his training.
"My energy levels are doing fine, still at 98%, those inbuilt solar panels are helpful, barely lost any charge despite all my movements and power usage" He says with a smile earning a rather happy smile from the two that'd worked on him "It's good to hear your systems are still doing well" He says simply before stretching out "So, are you ready for your test?" He asks, grinning towards the dwarf who just sits quietly, a sly smile on his face.
"I'm ready, I feel much more prepared than before" He says with a somewhat determined look on his face.

"Good that you're ready, now then, let's take to the sky to begin with" Onyx says, taking to the air himself with ease, the mechanical dragon following suit without difficulty, the black scaled dragon chuckling and smirking "Let's begin simple, copy my movements" He says, starting to manouver in the sky, leaving smoke trails to draw in the sky, starting with simple shapes from circles, squares and triangles to more complex shapes like hearts, stars and spirals, making Mecha copy his drawings using small smoke canisters hooked up to the underside of his wings.

Each shape drawn in the sky by the black dragon got copied without difficulty by the mechanical being "Good, good" Onyx chuckles "Let's get to the more interesting parts" He grins, starting to draw once again in the sky, this time more complex drawings from things like a dragons head to Riddiks face with surprising detail. "HEY! don't use me as part of your test!" The dwarf calls out before chuckling "Though damn you're good at catching my better side" He grins amusedly and to his surprise Mecha managed to near perfectly copy each of the drawings.

"Heh, now we'll get to the more interesting part" Onyx says "This part is simple, dodge" He calls to Mecha earning a slight frown from the mechanical dragon before a nod, soon enough and without warning Onyx begins spitting fireballs at the mechanical being, if one was to hit it'd blacken the metal of his body signalling he'd been hit.
Left, left, right left, up, down, direct, each fireball spit somewhere specific, starting in a predictible pattern, Mecha managing to easily dodge the predictible pattern and soon moving to less predictible patters and again avoiding them, soon moving onto the completely unco-ordinated attacks, even using magics of other kinds, forming multiple fireballs and launching them at the same time making it hard for the mechanical being to avoid them, eventually the attacks caught him off guard, one hitting him directly in the face, luckily they weren't intended to damage him so he simply ended up looking silly, his silverish scales now tainted with a black face, something that he was also lucky could simply be washed off.

"Gotcha" Onyx calls with a teasing tone before chuckling "Come, it's your turn Mecha, see if you can land a hit on me" He says, earning a low growl from Mecha, he couldn't help enjoying this challenge, soon beginning to use his internal gas canisters to spit fireballs at Onyx, a spark created in his throat allowing the gas to be ignited, though he had other methods in place too.

The attacks of the mechanical being seemed to do little, his opponent far too agile for him to hit, each attack failing to hit their target and instead continuing on past until they simply fade into the air. Attack after attack, miss after miss, he couldn't help getting agitated by it, he couldn't hit Onyx no matter how hard he tried, the black dragon just slipping off to the side of the attacks each time. As his attempts continue he shifts, suddenly lunging at Onyx, attempting a mix of claw swipes mixed with a few fireballs; Even with his combined attacks, he still couldn't seem to land a hit on the black dragon, it was as if the being wasn't normal, as if he had heightened senses and speed.
"That'll do for today, you'll end up running your fuel tanks out" He calls after almost two hours of attempted combat "Don't feel ashamed of failing to hit me, it's not easy to hit someone with a good amount of practice and a fast reaction speed" He says, seemingly attempting to calm the mechanical dragon. A low sigh comes from Mecha "It's annoying being unable to hit you ..." He mumbles earning a light chuckle from Onyx who grins as he lands on the ground, starting to head inside once again "Come on, we'll get you checked, see how your fuel levels are doing, we need to see how efficient your systems are doing" He says, leading the way inside, sitting by his tech and looking at Mecha who follows and sits in his place once again, letting the systems do their scans.


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