Saturday night.

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..//this is ABO\\..
Saturday evening. 6:43 pm

Ike laced up his converses at his close friend Ruby Tucker's doorstep as she pulled her boots on beside him. Sitting on the step as she did so. She was content with herself and couldn't give a fuck on what anyone else thought.
"You ready, I need to pick up my girl." Ruby asked and stated.
Ike stood up and gave her a nod, "yeah let's go to Karen's." He chuckled as Ruby bounced her way to Ike's car, he swiveled his keys on his keychain around his finger. Ike followed her steps and got into the passengers seat.

As Ike drove to the young blondes Ruby talked about how awesome Filmore's party was going to be. Despite them both hating Filmore for his attitude and the way he treated people, he still threw great parties.

Ike parked infront of the apartment complex Kenny, Butters, and Karen lived in. Butters and Kenny hit it off after highschool and Karen could never be happier to be away from her old life. It's better for them. It's been better. Ike smiled at the thought of her finally having it better than back then.

Karen walked out of the apartment building and Ruby got out of Ike's car and scooped her up into her arms. They both giggled as Ike just watched happily. Ruby sat in the back with her lover and Ike drove to the party.

Saturday night, 10:17 pm

Ike was leaning against the wall next to a table with drinks set out for everyone to drink. He sighed, holding his own red cup after swearing he wasn't going to be drinking. Ruby and Karen have wandered off a while ago. Probably to go make out in the bathroom or something. Ike felt himself snort at the thought. 'Yeah probably' he thought to himself.

Ike's attention was caught by a shorter male, aesthetically charmed and dark. Ike watched this stranger who didn't feel like a stranger at all talk to a girl with cherry red dyed hair. He admired the males attractiveness, trying to figure out why he looked so familiar. Maybe it was the alcohol or the poorly lit room..Ike couldn't tell for sure. He realized it was his classmate soon after a good ten minutes of staring at his features. Firkle Smith. A senior, like himself. In school he didn't seem to talk to anyone. Ike still took interest in him though. He thought it was cool he was so mysterious, although he'd like to know his secrets.

Firkle talked to some drunk girl who complimented his eyeliner calmly. His goth friends. More or less his family didn't see a point in high school parties, but they didn't rain on Firkle's parade for enjoying them. Firkle wasn't exactly a social butterfly, but during a teen party. Everyone's drunk and people get reckless. He likes the wildness of the parties Filmore throws. It's like the one place he can completely unwind.

Ike continued to stare, unaware he was staring. Ike was studying Firkle's face and body language. Firkle was usually quite hard to read, but right now it was simple. He's in a good mood and enjoying his conversation with the redhead in front of him. Ike watched the redhead waddle off to get more drinks she didn't need. His eyes fell back to Firkle, who was now looking down to his own cup. There was something about this guy that just sparked something in Ike. It was a burning desire for him, Ike didn't understand. His alpha senses were just raging inside of Ike.

Firkle's eyes caught onto Ike's gently blue eyed stare. Ike's alpha senses sparked suddenly and it almost knocked Ike off his feet. Firkle's mystical purple eyes graced whoever's lucky enough to catch his stare. Everyone says he wore contacts all the time, but Ike just had a feeling he had something else going on. He liked them. A lot. 

Firkle set his cup down, not daring to pick it back up again and he approached the alpha, Ike. Firkle being an omega almost shocked everyone. Keyword. Almost. Ike thought it suited him. Not sure he had reasoning for such a thought, but he did.

Firkle smiled softly at him, another site you'd never see. "Hey, It's Ike right?" He questioned. His voice was so soft sounding, it still held the sort of deepness to make a man shiver with the right choice of words. Ike thought it was attractive.

"Yeah, Ike that's me. You're Firkle right?" Ike acted like he hadn't taken a whole history class just to figure out what color pen Firkle was using. He had a interest in Firkle that just he couldn't place in his head correctly. He wanted to be the one that got to see the side of Firkle nobody else had seen before. He wanted to be his, and himself, Firkle's.

Firkle grabbed Ike's arm gently and pulled him off to a couch. Surprisingly enough nobody was sitting at. He sat down and Ike sat at his side. "Sorry to drag you off like that, my legs are killing me already." Firkle chuckled and leaned into the softness of the couch.

"Oh no don't worry about it, your fine." Ike assured him and smiled.

Sunday morning 2:18am

Firkle and Ike laughed while Firkle had his legs over Ike's lap one the couch the still sat at. The party was smaller now, but most of the party hards were still at it. Dancing and enjoying themselves. Some probably doing drugs in all honesty. Not Firkle or Ike. They just made eachother laugh on the couch away from the crowds.

Firkle sighed happily, he purred as Ike talked about school. He was glad it was almost over, despite Ike's love for learning he can't stand the teachers or students bullshit. Firkle very much agreed with this.

"Hey Question," Firkle started and sat up.
"Hm?" Ike looked over to the small omega.
"Are you dating anyone?" He played off the question as nothing more than curiosity. Firkle knew damn well he wasn't just curious.
"Ah Nope, Ike Brosfloski is single." He chuckled.
"Follow up question, are you into dudes?" Firkle raised his brow and Ike laughed at him like that was a joke.
"Like I could date a girl. No I'm gay."
"Cool." Firkle's lips pressed up into a smile

\\ùwù \\

Firkle slid into Ike's lap, Ike blinked and looked down at the surprising pear shaped omega now in his lap. How did he not notice his body shape before? Nobody knows. Firkle wrapped his arms around his neck and Ike was a little speechless. He's never done anything as simple as held a male in his lap. He's a baby virgin. Ike's alpha senses were through the roof and he held Firkle's waist.
"Kiss me,"
Ike gave into his request, pressing his lips against Firkle's. Ike enjoyed Firkle's response, Firkle happily purred against Ike's lips.

The kiss became more intense and Ike ended up pinning Firkle down onto the couch as their tongues danced in a more violent fashion. Ike couldn't get enough of Firkle. He craved him, he wanted him in this moment in any shape or form.
\\hehe 1213 words. Lovely lovely lovely I don't really care how this looks it's not really for anyone else but myself but uwu hope you enjoyed it.\\

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