Sunday night

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//hello I'm not dead yet son. Here's what you hornys want lol I should be more active soon enough\\


{{Pete and Firkle are brothers just btw}}


Sunday night, 6:28 pm

Firkle had been asleep for most of the day, mostly for the fact he was pretty much up for a day and a half. Henrietta didn't mind, she already knew of the eventful morning he had. Being psychic only has it's perks occasionally. Micheal, her boyfriend, leaned over the back of her chair in the dining room and placed a peck on her temple. She smiled just a tad because that's her hubby.

Micheal continued into the kitchen and got more of dinner that Henrietta made.

She was a pretty good cook. She's mom what do you expect? As Micheal came in and sat back down Pete came through the front door.

Pete's eyes were blood shot and his hair was messier than usual. He looked like he had an eventful night as well. "Hey Hen, Micheal." He lazily lifted his arm to wave then slid into the kitchen for food.

Henrettia just snorted and shook her head, "let me guess? You went with the vampires to a rave again."

"Of course I was, where else would I be?" Pete replied as he walked into the dining room with a plate. "Mike showed me this cool thing on his drums then we ended up playing on stage with the girls." Pete went on about his night with his former enemy. Pete's kinda one of the guys with all the vampires now. Mike, the girls, Crystal and May, and Pete are in a band. They are actually pretty good.

Firkle wobbled down the stairs, sliding down the last two. His normal aura was completely off and his scent was masked by Ike's. Our goth was too tired to notice any of this and he got some water.

Henrettia leaned on her chair unfazed an Micheal choked on the food in his mouth when he smelt it.

"Who the hell was in your pants yesterday?" Micheal looked at Firkle when he stepped back into the walkway of the dinning room. It took him a moment to realize what he said.

"It's none of your business." He sipped his water to hide the obvious redness on his cheeks. Pete oooed at his little brother,

"Aha yeah leave him alone, let him have this Micheal." Pete set his fork down and looked at Micheal who looked more worried than upset.

"Firk, he wasn't a virgin was he?"

There was a long pause, then Pete started to visibly get nervous too.

"Shit he was wasn't he?" Michael stood up after Pete responded with that. Firkle set his water on the counter. Micheal crossed his arms and Pete remained silent.

"You know what happens when—" Micheal was cut off by Firkle.

"I know, I didn't know he was a virgin, but don't worry it's just a myth right. It's never happened before don't worry about it?."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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