Chapter 10

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Louis POV
I love Harry this way! Laughing. Having fun. I actually can't believe he likes me! I want to just hug him and make him mine...but is this right? I mean, i love it but, i feel something wrong, like...forbidden love? No. This can't be.

"Louis!" I hear someone scream.

"Yeah?" I guess Harry cut me from my thoughts.

"Whatcha thinking of?" He starts as he hands me some iced tea as we sit on the swinging bench.

"Us." i simply reply.

"What about us?" He starts as he rests his head on my shoulder. Is this really happening? I can't believe this.

"About, us. If we should be a thing or not. Are we going too fast?" He lifts his head from my shoulders. No.

"Aren't we?" He asks. Where did this Harry come from?

"Yeah, but, doesn't if feel, i don't know, wrong to you?" I state.

"Yeah, it does. But can we just not think about that." He sighs as he lays his head on my shoulder again. Oh, all the ideas of what i could do to him rushing into my mind. No, im not hurting him.

I sighed.

"Well, lets just get dried and watch a movie. Kay?" I say cheering up the mood.

"Okay, last one to the room is a chicken!" Harry yells as he races for the door.

"Not if i get there first." I yell at him as i make a run for the front door.

"Agh!!" He yells wiggling his hands in the air as he runs. He is so cute!

"Im gonna get there first!!!" He challenges me.

"Not if i can do anything about that!" I say as i run faster.

Harry reached the house already as i was panting. How is he so fast?!

"Slow poke!" He shouts from the second floor and enters the room.

"How are" i say as i catch my breath.

As i get into the room, Harry was no where to be found. So, i went into the closest and picked out some comfy clothes and went into the bath room.

"Hi Louis." i hear a voice call from behind me.

I turn around and Harry was half naked. I felt my cheeks starting to get red.

"Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to disturb." I say as i quickly look to the floor so he doesn't see me blush.

"I'll just come back when you're done." i tell him as i turn around but he grabs me wrist before i could even twist the door knob.

"You can stay in here if you want." He says with the most devious smirk that i have never seen him pull off.

"O-ok-kay." i say as i took a seat on the chair on the side. Yup. My rest room is quite big.

What do i do now? Do i join him or do i just stay here and sit like a dummy. Should i join in? Why is this so awkward?!

"Babe, are you okay?" He asks as he peeps out of the curtain with his hair filled with shampoo. Did he just call me babe? Ooohhh....

"Y-yeah. I'm f-fine. E-everyth-thing is f-fine." I stuttered. Why am i so nervous?

"Okay, if you say so." He says as he goes behind the curtains again.

After a bit, he came out and wrapped his 'lower section' with his blue towel.

"Babe," he starts as he half opens the door.

"Yeah." i say as i look at him. Am i starting to blush again? Oh no.

"Next time, you could just join me you know." He finishes as he walks out of the bath room. Okay. So it's my turn. Okay. That was very awkward. Why though?

HIIIII!!!! Hope you liked that "Oops, Hi" moment there. Haha. Anyways. Thanks for reading and for the support. I know i can't write well. But, i have improved. Haha. Okay. Vote, and comment!
Loves, Boo Bear xx

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