Chapter 11

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Okay, that was extremely awkward. Why did i even say that?!?! Is what i'm feeling real? This can't be. But, he is handsome and cute and amazing and just...just...perfect.

I walking into the closet and grabbed his boxers and a plain white shirt. As i walked into the bedroom, Louis was in his blue PJs and in his cute striped socks. He looks so cute!! I got to admit.

"Ready for the movie?" He asks as he turns the TV on.

"Yep!" I just smiled as i took my position next to him on the bed.

We were comfortably lying down in the middle of the bed. We were only like 1 inch apart! We were watching Titanic. A classic. But, in the middle if the movie, i was getting quite sleepy. Louis looked at me before he wrapped his arm around me and snuggled closer to me. We were under the cold sheets. I just felt like freezing this moment and placing it on a picture frame.

As soon as the movie could end, a yawn escaped my mouth and i fell fast asleep in his protective arms. I felt safe. But, at the same time i felt weak. I was held hostage but felt safe? This is wrong. But, i got to admit to myself that...that...i..i love him. So much.


Louis POV
Before the movie could even end, Harry has fallen fast asleep in my arms. I took a look at his warm smile on his delicate face. The way his eyes just shimmer even though they were closed, i could still feel him looking at me. A little smile was plastered on my face as i gently and lightly kissed the top if his head. His hair covering half of his face. The way his chest rises and falls back down as he lays on my chest.

I felt happy seeing him like this. It gives me hope. It fills me with so much joy. I just hate to see him hurt and having that little neglect about how he feels towards me. I just want to see his warm, gentle smile all the time. I just...i...i love him. I love him even more now if that is even possible.

Hello!!! So, how was this cute little Larry moment? Haha. Anyways. There will be some songs added in the future chapters to make it sound sweet and quite cheesy but thats fine..right? They may or may not be songs from FOUR...maybe some old songs as well...idk! Haha. So anyways, Vote, comment and keep on reading!
Loves, Boo Bear xx

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