My Wolf in Shining Armour 14

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  • Dedicated to Caren Beybeh

I dedicate this one to my cousin who's so eager to read the next chapter.

FYI, I hate this part! But it has to be here! You’ll find out why on the coming chapters.

Chapter 14

James’ POV

 She said yes for another date! I feel ecstatic! Though I can’t help but feel disappointed because when I told her I love her, I didn’t get an answer. I know it’s too soon but I can’t help it. And even so, we’re mates, she should have felt something. My entire existence is holding on to those three words. How can three little words affect me this much? Maybe because I’m becoming possessive of her. I need to get her out of my head.

I just dropped off Taylor on the cabin. I was on my way home when I received a text message from Karl, he’s a friend of mine. I met him at a bar when he was hitting on Mika. He’s pretty hilarious at that time. For a wolf, beers or any alcoholic drink still can affect if you drink too much.

Party at my house.

His house is near the town. He loves to throw parties at anytime. Just the thing I need to relieve the stress from the rogues and my mate.

The party was pumping up when I got here and still is. It’s almost midnight and I kind of feel dizzy with the drinks I have. I think I was over my limit.

 A girl walked pass me swaying. I guess she too had too much. I squinted my eyes to take a good look at her. She looks a lot like Taylor. A little taller, a bit thinner and dress like a hoe. I should have ignore her but my sober mind has other plan. I walked up to her and started dancing. She seems to like it because in no time were grinding with each other.


I woke up with a killer headache. What happened? I groaned. The room smells alcohol and a lot more. It was almost the same as Taylor’s scent but in an off way. I wont be with Taylor in this kind of place. She deserves better plus she’s not this kind of girl. I cant remember anything after... I saw a girl who looked a lot like Taylor. I’m no genius but the way everything is messed up and the smell, something had happen last night.

How am I going to face Taylor after this? What the hell am I thinking getting sober in a place where teenagers’ hormones are on the loose? I look around my surroundings. It seems that I ended up in one of Karl’s guest room. On the side table, I saw a note. It says that if I want more I can call her number. Yep, she wrote her number underneath. How disgusting! And I slept with that?! I crumpled the paper and threw it at the bin.

This headache wont go away soon. I felt sick. Nobody should know about this. I don’t want to see the look on Taylor’s eyes when she finds out I slept with another just after our date. I don’t think I can live if she ever look at me like that. She wont ever accept me if that happens.

I need to take a shower to remove that drenching smell. I still have to go patrolling tonight. A rogue had attack my mate. I’ll find that rogue and kill him. I don’t want to lose someone very important to me again because of those uncontrollable, selfish, cannibal dogs. They wont take another from me. I failed to protect my mom but that wont happen again. I’ll never let my guard down.


Taylor’s POV

I woke up this morning feeling elated and happy. Last night was a bliss. The flowers and he actually got daffodils instead of roses. He must’ve figured out that I’m allergic. The SpongeBob shirts are cute, I would’ve liked it more if he have given to me. A pout unconsciously formed in my lips.

I heard a musical laugh from the kitchen and saw Jazmin staring at me with a glinting humor in her eyes. I joined in her laughter that was so contagious.

“So what’s the deal with you and your brother sneaking in here?” I asked teasingly.

“It’s always fun to give you a fright; I know how you get when it comes to ghosts. Besides, this is my cabin too,” She stuck her tongue at me.

“Yeah yeah, your majesty,” I bowed my head at her.

“Now, up you go princess. It’s almost noon. Sheesh, what’d you guys do last night?”

“I don’t even know how to start!” I gushed, “he’s so handsome and that abs of his, absolutely yummy! Then we swim. You cant imagine what else we did!”

“Uhhh! Too. Much. Information,”

I laughed at her horrified look. She absolutely believed everything, well, all of it was true except for ‘You cant imagine what else we did!’ part.

“Taylor!” She lunged at me and tickled my sides. We had a tickle war for awhile until were exhasusted.

“What’s the agenda for today?” I asked wondering what she’s doing here.

“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “There’s nothing to do at home so I thought of disturbing you,”

I shook my head at her thoughts.

“Who’s with Justin?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“With the other kids and his nanny,” she thought for a minute.

“Aha! Let’s go shopping!”

“I need to save my money, Jaz.”

“Don’t worry, my treat,”

“No way, that’s too much,”

“I know your stubborn so let’s put it this way, I’ll let you burrow from me. Okay?”

I nodded.


Jazmin drove me home. I use my car the least I could because gasoline is just too pricey. I bought a few clothes while Jaz bought like a whole wardrobe.

“Hey, Tay-tay, did my brother apologize with what he did?”


“You know, the Mika incident? When she’s on top of him,”


“He didn’t!?”

“No, we kinda got off the subject,” I blushed.

“How about Stephen? Did he apologize with what he did?”


“Oh my gosh, Taylor, and you three act as if nothing happened. Taylor, you’re so forgiving but you should have at least gave them a hard time,”

“It’s not entirely their fault,” I defended.

“How so?”

“Well, James’ situation I assume was an accident. He clearly doesn’t want Mika. Then with Stephen,” I swallowed the lump on my throat as I thought of what he did. “I’m just not good enough for him.”

“No, he’s just not the right one for you,” she gently said.

Maybe, I thought.


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