A loss and a life.

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Leia stood before Kylos body and placed her hand on his stomach, next to the angry, torn flesh and blood soaked clothes.  She closed her eyes, her brow creasing.  Rey, blinded by tears glanced at Finn who was crying silently.  Chewie was stood at the back of the room now, his head in his hands.  Rey watched Kylos chest.  It remained still.  Suddenly Finn gasped and Rey looked up.  He was pointing at Kylos wound, his eyes round.  Rey looked and her own eyes widened.  It was healing, the skin pulling together, becoming smooth again, the same happening to the scar on his face that she had given him all that time ago on Takodana, back when she was scared of him and then suddenly his chest was rising and falling.  Rey gasped as his eyes opened, settling on his mother.  He scooted back in surprise, almost tipping off the table, but Rey stopped him, gripping his shoulder with thankful sobs.

"My beautiful son" Leia whispered, gripping his hand.  Kylo made no move to take it back, just stared at her, his lips parted, confusion on his face. Rey saw his lip tremble, his eyes filling with tears as he spoke in a broken voice, "Mum".  Leia nodded, a smile creeping across her face at that simple word that she hadn't heard for so long and tears rolled down her cheeks as she spoke, "I have always loved you, through it all Ben, I've made a lot of mistakes, just like you have but you were never one of those mistakes, you were and are my biggest achievement.  Forgive me for never showing that to you...." Leias voice trailed off and Rey saw Kylos tear filled eyes blink heavily, his brow creasing as Leias grip on his hand released and she fell against Finn.

Finn lowered her to the floor and Chewie cried out in pain, his fists crashing against the old control panels.  Rey helped Kylo up off the table and he immediately fell to his knees, his hand gripping his mothers as tears rolled openly down his face.  Rey hugged his back, her own sadness tempered by the relief of having him back.  Finn covered his face and they grieved like that for some time.  The empty chambers echoing their despair and pain.

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