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I really need to express my annoyance for a certain type of people.

I'm talking about people who always have to be right.

And I don't mean they're occasionally right, I mean always.

So there's this kid in my class who really gets on my nerves.

He's really tall so you can never see if he's in front of you, and he's always right.

Or at least tries to be.

He's the kind if person who gives you lectures for the stupidest things and it's so annoying.

And you better not have to do a presentation, because when the teacher says you can answer questions, he always has his hand up.

If you sit across from him, like I had to do in the beginning of the year, his feet will be completely under is desk.

Like just BC your 5'11 doesn't mean you can invade my personal space.

And the worst part,


and sometimes you just want to yell at him. I've come so close to yelling, "JUST SIT DOWN AND LET SOMEONE ELSE ANSWER!!"

And he always has his own Q & A session when he's presenting a project.

I mean sometimes he can be cool, but other times he can be a jerk.

There will most likely be another rant about him so be prepared.

That's all for now


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