my pop that plan

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I was working on my next remix in music room 3 , yes i was skipping class. It was 5th period but I didn't care. I was gonna beat the host club to their own club.

÷÷÷÷ last period÷÷÷÷÷÷

"Finally , they'll be here soon" I said grabbing my stuff and heading out the door. I didn't want to look clingy so I left before they walked in. I set my bag down on a bench next to the marble fountains. I started to work on my remix from upstairs.

A huge smile plastered on my face as a devious smile formed on my face as I thought of an awesome prank that I've been wanting to play on tamaki...and I have TWO possible helpers. TWO certain Red heads, Two certain twins. Are you seenin what I'm saying? ... no okay Hikaru and Kaoru.

I ran back upstairs with an del the power in the wind . As I reached the door to music room 3 I didn't stop to push the door I rammed through it , thank god I didn't break the door...or me, that would of been ugly. "Back so soon I see, are you going to put in a request?" I thought to myself for a second , 'wow that makes the host soud like hookers'.

"Yes , actually The Twins" I said as a bit of evil mixed with excitement shined in my eyes.

As I walked over to them.

"Hey aika" they said in unison.

I flashed an evil smile.

"Hey , u guys bored? " I asked and they nodded their head , not giving me their usual twincest crap cuz by now they know  better than to get me all creeped out.

"Wanna pull a prank on a certain PRINCE?" I whispered into their ears and I saw the same happy-evul light in their eyes as I described the plan to them.

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