Babies and More Babies

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Hermione and Draco put Monica and Scorpius on the cribs.

They went to their bed. Hermione shared the bed with Draco. Draco and Hermione were not having a lot of nightmares recently. They kept their distances on the bed. So they didn't hug or anything.

Draco spoke up, "Granger. Do you know why I could conjure a Patronus and why I asked you to the dance." "You never answered my questions." Hermione finally realized.

"Because I love you."

Hermione was startled. Her eyes widened. "It's fine if you don't love me too. I just wanted to tell you. My happiest memory was when I first met you." Draco sighed. Hermione looked at Draco. "Well, you're wrong." Hermione said.

Draco looked at Hermione, "What do you mean?"

"Because I love you too." Hermione smiled. Draco smiled too, "Well then, Hermione Granger, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, Draco Malfoy."

They never had a better sleep in their lives.

Draco woke up, "Morning Hermione." "Morning Draco." Hermione smiled.

It was their first day of being officially boyfriend and girlfriend.

Their morning was interrupted by a scream.

Hermione immediately knew it was Ginny, "Draco, grab the kids, bathe them and put them in some clothes. I'll go to Ginny."

Draco nodded and Hermione ran to Ginny.

"Ginny what's wrong?!" Hermione immediately shouted. "My-My water broke and it hurts so much Mione!" Ginny Shouted. "Accio wheelchair!" Hermione said. The wheelchair immediately came.

"Take deep breaths Gin. Deep breaths." Hermione said. Ginny took some deep breaths and Hermione ran to the Hospital Wing.

"Madam Pomfrey! Ginny is going through labor!" Hermione Shouted. "Oh no," Madam Pomfrey said, "Ms. Granger, please send a Patronus to Mr. Potter please."

"Expecto Patronum," Hermione silently muttered, "Tell Harry Ginny is in the Hospital Wing."

The blue otter slipped through the cracks and went to Harry.

A few minutes later, Harry came rushing in. "ABOUT TIME YOU CAME!" Ginny shrieked.

A few minutes later, Draco came with Monica and Scorpius. "Hello, Scorpius." Hermione cooed to the baby. Scorpius giggled. "Hello Monica." Draco said. Monica laughed.

"Scorpius is definitely a mommy's boy." Hermione chuckled. "And Monica is definitely a daddy's girl." Draco said.

Scorpius has platinum blonde hair like Draco's. His eyes were hazel like Hermione's. Monica has brown hair like Hermione's and her eyes are blue like Draco's.

A few hours later, Ginny was holding a beautiful baby boy. He was the exact replica of Harry. The same black hair and the same green eyes.

"Mione. Meet James Sirius Potter." Ginny smiled. "Hello James," Hermione smiled, "Meet your friends, Scorpius and Monica."

"Mione. Can I talk to you in private?" Ginny asked. "Sure." Hermione said.

Everyone went away. Hermione sat on the bed. "Are you and Malfoy.. a thing now?" Ginny whispered. Hermione blushed, "Yes. Don't tell anyone." "I promise I won't tell anyone. BFTILAS code." Ginny said. Hermione chuckled, "Thanks Gin."

"Wanna carry James?" Ginny asked. Hermione smiled and took the little baby out of her hands. "Hi James." Hermione cooed. Ginny said that they were done talking and Harry and Draco went in.

"Draco, Hermione, we want to ask you something." Harry said. "Of course, what is it?" Hermione asked.

Ginny took a deep breath, "Will you be the godparents of our child?"

"Of course!" Hermione said. "Sure." Draco said.

"Are you finally a thing now?" Harry asked. Hermione looked at Draco.

"Yes, Potter, we are." Draco smiled, interwining his hands with Hermione's.

Harry whispered in Draco's ears, "Hermione's like a sister to me. So if you hurt her in any way, I will personally kill you using the killing curse, resurrect you, and kill you again."

"Don't worry Potter, I won't hurt her until the day Voldemort comes back to life and gets a nose." Draco said.

The days passed. Ron and Pansy's child, Alexa Penelope Weasley, was born the after the day James was born.

Blaise and Luna's children, Lynetta Starla Zabini and Bruno Xavier Zabini, were born the day after Alexa was born.

Neville and Hannah's child, Kit Alice Longbottom, was born the day after Lynetta and Bruno was born.

Ernie And Lavender's child, Korrina Lavender MacMillian, was born the day after Kit was born, but Lavender had died during Korrina's birth. (Don't judge me).

Dylan and Carmen's children, Carrie Malina Smith and Leo Louis Smith, was born a week after Korrina was born, since Carmen took the potion late.

"Good morning students. I see you all have your children already," McGonagall said, "But you are not bringing them to class everyday. You must set a schedule. And you must pay for your baby's meals, so you must find a job. Your possible jobs are in this sheet of paper that I am going to distribute in a while, but only one of you can work and the other must stay inside and take care of the babies. One of you will also take the morning classes only and the other will take the afternoon classes only. Your children are also permanent. Good luck."

McGonagall distributed the paper. It said:


1. Potions Tutor, 30 galleons every session.
2. Make lunch with Elves, 30 galleons each week.
3. Assistant Teacher, 20 galleons each lesson.
4. Babysitter, 20 galleons each meeting.
5. Assistant Librarian, 40 galleons a week.

"Draco, can you be a potions tutor?" Asked Hermione. "Sure." Draco said. "Or maybe I can be the assistant librarian." Hermione said.

"No, it's fine. I can go to work and you can stay. You've done a lot already. At least let me contribute something to the family." Draco said. Hermione nodded.

"I'll take the classes in the morning and you can take them in the afternoon." Hermione said. "Ok." Draco said.

"Class dismissed." McGonagall said.

That was their last lesson for the day. "Draco," Hermione said, "Can you please put the kids to bed?" "Ok."

After they made sure the kids were asleep, they went to bed.

"Draco? When do you want to tell, you know, the others?" Hermione asked. "What about Sunday? Have dinner here? Or have a picnic lunch near the Black Lake?" Draco suggested. "That's great." Hermione said.

Hermione kissed Draco's cheek. Draco blushed. "Draco. How are we going to tell your parents?" Hermione asked. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's going to be fine. We can go on Saturday." Draco said.

"Goodnight Draco." "Goodnight Hermione."
1065 words

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