20 ~ And So We Did (epilogue)

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I placed my pencil on the desk after signing my name. The drawing was done. It was a sketched copy of a picture of Caleb, Sadie, and I when we were little. Mom always said that she wanted a fourth child, but wasn't able to try again after the miscarriage. I always wondered what it would be like to not be the youngest sibling.

I vlogged a little bit for my YouTube channel then sat on the swing outside. I never really come out back anymore because I'm too big for the play set and I'm too old for it, but I like to sit on the swing and just listen to absolutely nothing. It keeps me grounded. I heard footsteps behind me and Caleb came and sat on the swing next to me.

"What are you doing?"

"Just looking at the river."

"Oh. Okay."

I like to watch the water and look at the trees. Sometimes ducks will come down the river in groups. I always smile at them.

I heard more footsteps and discovered that Sadie was joining us. I turned my head back from looking at her to the water and noticed a shoebox on the dock. I got up and walked over to it and brought it back to the swings.

"What's that?" Sadie asked.

"I have no idea."

The lid was painted my favorite color and it read 'Annie's Time Capsule :)'. The box wasn't sealed shut. I took off the lid.

"Ans, is this yours?" Caleb asked.

"No. I never made a time capsule."

On the top of the box there was a thick stack of paper tied together in the corner with a ribbon. I sat it aside and paid attention to the sticky note on it.

"'You probably don't know me, but I'm Hayley, your sibling in another universe. I'm the youngest. You probably think I'm crazy, but hear me out. Look through the box, which was stored under Annie's bed where I'm from, and I hope you enjoy the contents. Oh, and look at the papers last'," I read out loud.

"Hayley? Isn't that what mom wanted to name the angel baby?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah," Sadie and I answered at the same time.

We each looked through the box. I found a purple gymnastics leotard that says 'Bratayley' on it. I've never seen this in my entire life. Bratayley? I only know Bratannie. Maybe it was a scenario where the youngest kid gets their name in the YouTube channel. Besides, we never made a gymnastics leotard as merch. Anyways, the second thing we discovered were some photographs. One was of Caleb, me, and what looked to be a girl version of Caleb. She was kinda cute. There was a picture of me and the girl at Playlist, and one of us with the Descendants cast. There was one of me with Katie and Brennan, and one of our family. There were none with Sadie. I found a small racecar with the number 7 on the side. It smelled vaguely of mud. Lastly, I saw a sketch. It looked like me, the little girl, and our parents. Everyone looked so distant from each other. It was signed by me. On the back, there was a note. 'From Hayley. Another thing, in my world, Sadie was given up for adoption when I was born, and it'll make sense later, I promise. And Caleb died when I was seven years old (for reference, Annie was ten) of a heart disease. If this is the last thing in the box, go ahead and look at the papers.'

Caleb picked up the packet and read the message on the front. "Dear siblings, this is the story of how we got here and how you exist. I wrote it out for you. I know it's a sad story, but it's how things played out. Maybe you'll get to meet me in another world. Love, Hayley Noelle Leblanc."

Sadie and I sat on either side of Caleb. Hayley told us to read the story,

and so we did.

Ahh! Guys, I'm so happy (but also sad) to wrap up this book. Thank you so much for your votes and comments and support. I can't believe this book is finally coming to a close. It feels like I've been writing it forever! From originally writing a one shot, to people in the comments begging that I turn it into a story, to writers blocks, to finally making it here. I love you all and hope you are doing well. Take care!

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