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Anne arrived at school earlier than normal so she decided to meet with the rest of the girls. As she was walking she bumped into something.
Girl 2: watch where you're going
Anne: sorry
Gilbert: Anne? What are you doing here
Girl 2: you know this orphan?
Gilbert: -i,uh...
Girl 2: whatever it doesn't matter anyways.
Anne stood there disgusted. " I can't believe he is with 2 girls in two days and I don't even know how I was friends with him." she thought to herself.
Ms.Stacey: alright class today we will have a work day meaning you can work on your projects. So get started if you haven't already
Anne looked over noticing Gilbert was there yet. " he is probably with that girl she thought." She put in her earbuds working on the project until she felt a tap on her arm.
Gilbert: are we working on our- he stopped himself what happened to your arm? Referring to her scars
Anne: nothing It happened when I fell years ago
Gilbert: I'm not dumb did you do that to yourself?
Anne: why do you care so much?you should worry about your side girls instead of me.
Gilbert: jealous carrots are we?
Anne: What makes you think I'm jealous?
Anne: let's just get started on this project
Anne put our back bed head phones in and started to work again and so did Gilbert. Without realizing Gilbert was staring at Anne
Gilbert packed up getting ready for the next class."What's wrong with me? I can't like Anne or can I"
Charlie: Gilbert
Gilbert: yes
Charlie: I think I might ask Anne out
Gilbert: what?!! No don't you can't
Charlie: What, why not? I thought you hated her?
Gilbert: I do
Charlie: whatever man I'm gonna do it anyways, beside why do you care? Do you like her?
Gilbert: No, besides I can't date her you know that
Charlie: why not?
Gilbert: my popularity remember I'm not gonna risk that for some dumb girl.
As he finished Anne walked by him hearing all of their conversation with tears on the verge of coming out.
Gilbert: ANNE! Wait!
Anne: what?!?
Gilbert: - i didn't mean that you know that
Anne: no I don't know because I don't even know you anymore
Gilbert: yes you do I'm your best friend remember
Anne: no I don't since you left me you haven't been my best friend
Gilbert: Anne -i
Anne: see you the party
Anne didn't want to get ready with the girls before the party so she decided to go with Jerry, her younger brother.
As they walked in, Anne hated it,it smelled horrible and everyone was drunk.
Gilberts  POV:
I saw Anne walk in. She looked amazing in her dress, green is really her color.WAIT WHAT?!? I don't like her, I can't right. It doesn't matter anyways Charlie is asking her out.
Anne's POV:
I just got here and I already want to leave.i guess that I will just wait outside until everybody's ready to leave.As I was sitting down and the patio I heard the door close and someone sit next to me.
Gilbert: hey
Gilbert: I'm sorry for earlier
Anne: it doesn't matter anyways,I'm already used to it
As they kept talking sometimes came over Gilbert. He started to lean in and so did I, but I stop myself
Anne: we shouldn't
Gilbert: why not?
Anne: 1) you don't like me
2) I don't want to ruin your popularity
3) I don't want to be on of your side pieces
Before Gilbert said something Charlie walked  out and Gilbert knew what was happening so he just left.
Charlie; hey
Anne: hi?
Charlie: can I ask you something
Anne: sure
Charlie: will you go out with me, and be my girlfriend
Anne: I don't know, let me think about it and I'll let you know Monday
Charlie: alright, we'll enjoy the rest of the party
After the finished talked for a bit Charlie left and I decided to walk home. As I got out of the house and started walking Gilbert passed me in his car.
Gilbert: can I give you a ride
Anne: sure, thank you
Gilbert: What did Charlie ask you?
Anne:he just asked me out
Gilbert: oh, what did you say
Anne: I'll think about it
Gilbert: oh
Anne: what?
Gilbert: nothing
Gilbert: were here
Anne: oh thank you,see you Monday
Gilbert: see you
Gilberts POV:
I think I'm falling in love with Anne.


Authors note:
Thank you for reading!! I tried my best making this one longer and I hope you enjoyed it. The next chapter will have shirbert drama and Cole's arrival will happen. Also we will have a jealous Gilbert.I hope you enjoyed it,see you next time!!

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