Part 2.4

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Rebecca's POV:

It had been two months since the containment of the girl and my work load was beginning to grow out of hand. I rushed to my office where I had a conference call waiting for me there. I entered the room taking my seat behind my desk and began to fix my outfit before calling the leaders of our existing communities into my office.

"Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, I hope your stay at the Australian facility has been wonderful." I greeted. 

"Let's just cut to the Chase Mrs.Merrington. The American facility has been worried that the Piper and Nicolas might have let out a little information before being caught and contained. We've had the FBI and Government ask for confidential files that we are 100% sure they shouldn't.  know about." Margaret Hathoway huffed.

"She's right. None of this would be happening if we all went off the grid and became our own country." Sergio Petrov wailed.

"Enough!!! Margaret, we are handling the case due to the fact that the American Facility could not keep Piper and Nicolas within your boarders. And as for you Mr.Petrov, how would we supply the baron couples with children if we were to become our own country. Kidnapping people of other countries would be illegal and a war would break out. There are connections that sustain our way of life and they need not to be severed." I argued back. "Besides we are here to talk about the thousands of couples we have to turn away because of how loud our community has gotten. Any suggestions?"

I looked around the room at the three other representatives. "Well..." One woman began.

"You must be Maria Benolli, new Representative for Italy." She shook her head yes. "Go on speak." I told her.

"Well I fell as though we could start a city in the United Kingdom. There are lots of wealthy inconceivable couples there and we could have the possibility of having people emigrate there as well. Not to mention there is a great market of unwanted children there." She told me. 

I looked around the room at the representatives and they were all chatting amongst themselves.

"Where will the funding and equipment come from. Is there any land large enough to create the facility?" Margaret asked. 

"Right now we don't need to worry about those cercumstances. We just need to decide if we should do it, all in favor say, aye."

The entire team of representatives voted for the new facility. 

"Great my people will be in contact but as of right now I have an implantation to get to." I smiled. 

"Congratulazioni sarà un maschio o una femmina.?" Maria asked. I didn't know what she was saying but my guess was she wanted to know the gender.

"She will be a girl." I smiled. We all shook hands as they congratulated me on the new addition to the Merrrington Family. 

Once everyone was out I had no time to grab my things and head out. I let Lilith know that she could have the rest of the day off and headed to my appointment. Simon was waiting for me, he looked like he saw a ghost. 

"Hey there love, the implantation isn't going to go as procedure they had to sedate her." Simon told me. 

"That's alright. Did you remember to tell them that we want her memory gone." I questioned. He gave me a worried look. "I uh...... Just kidding I told them that we wanted to have the memory wiped." he smiled.

"Stop joking, I'm really gonna walk out of this building pregnant again." I gleamed as I kissed him over and over. 

"A girl. just imagine what our house is going to look like with 2 women living there." he joked.

"Mr. and Mrs. Merrington we are ready for you" the doctor called. 

"Lets to get pregnant with Veronica.

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