Part 10

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Two Years Later

Julia POV:

Collins was asleep in her bed and I don't know what was wrong but for some odd reason, I just kept looking at her. It was odd, her face looked different from the teenage version all those years ago. She didn't even resemble that image anymore. I walked down the hall to my bedroom an found Steven sitting there trying to catch up on some of his work.

"Babe.." I began, Steven looked up from his laptop an over toward where I was standing in the doorway. "Collins doesn't look like or resemble the teenage girl she used to be" I said walking over to our bed. 

"She's three, she hasn't had time to develop her features all the way." he responded.

"No... There's something different about her. I'm gonna take her to the doctor tomorrow. MAybe Dr. Owen's can tell me what might be going on." I told him.

"Okay do what you want but I have to tell you that my mother is coming into town to see Collins." He said 

'You know I don't like your mother." I began to say

"But she missed Collins last two birthdays and wanted to come to see her in person." H told me as I eyed him. I just turned over and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke to the smell of waffles and bacon. I went downstairs to find Collins sitting there with Lucinda and Steven eating the breakfast that she had made. I shot her a dirty look and went to kiss Collins good morning. 

I smiled as I watched her stuff the fluffy waffles into her mouth, she was so small sitting in the chair, so I grabbed her some pillows making a mental note to buy one of those booster chairs. I made myself some coffee and went to see what was on my schedule today. Collins had a dance class down at the recreation center and after that, I was going to take her to Dr.Owens. I sat at the desk in my home office and listened to Collins laugh as Steven Chased her around the house.

"Be careful.." I shouted as the two passed my open doors. 

" I am being careful mommy" She shouted back.

After about an hour of relaxation, I went to get Collins ready for class and when I went up to her bedroom I found Lucinda going through the photo album We had made for Collins. I snatched it out of her hands and saw the look of fear in her eyes. I quickly closed the door and locked it. I called Valarie to come and get Collins for the day and as always she carried through with it. 

I then called Steven and Dr. Ownes to the house and told them about the situation at hand.

"What are we going to do with her? She's my mother. I don't want to hurt her" Steven asked Dr.Owens. 

"We need to wipe her memory" Dr.Owens shouted as he tried to talk over Lucinda's screams. 

I looked over at Steven who nodded his head knowing what needed to be done. 

"You do know that she will not know who any of you are right?" Dr.Ownes said 

We both shook our head yes and left the house. We came back about three hours later to find nothing but peace and tranquility. 

Dr.Owens was sitting in the kitchen drinking a glass of water, Steve had gone somewhere to let out his emotions. 

" Dr.Owens, I wanted to ask you something about my daughter," I said taking a seat next to him. 

He nodded his head and turned back at the glass of water that sat between his hands

"Collins doesn't look like what we thought she was. She doesn't resemble the teenage girl she's supposed to be." I told him

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