1; Her Story

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Luciana Cardenas. A Colombian wrestler her made her name big in the WWE industry. She traveled to America when she turned eighteen, straight out of high school. Learning how to wrestler since she was six years old, a trainer from WWE was visiting Villa de Leyva and seen Luciana and her brother wrestling. Immediately getting an offer and a spot, Luciana traveled to Orlando after graduating high school. Triple H was in awe of her skills and decided to move her to the Raw roster after a year of being at NXT.

Luciana made many friends and even a boyfriend who was an NFL player for the Miami Dolphins, Levon Watson. Going on almost three years of dating, Luciana discovered she was pregnant. Three months after she discovered her pregnancy, Luciana had a miscarriage. Not only did this affect her, but her relationship as well. Levon shifted and was caught publicly cheating. During this tough time, Luciana returned back to Raw, a month after her miscarriage. Creating a rivalry with Alexa Bliss, Bliss ended up injuring her causing Cardenas to have a achilles tendon injury. In these six months of healing, Levon became aggressive and abusive to her, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Video footage leaked when Luciana called 911, showing Luciana running out of his house and to a nearby restaurant. Police got the footage inside his house, showing him hitting Luciana and her attempt in fighting back. Levon got off with three years of probation, rumors circulating he paid the judge.
Luciana returned home to Colombia, and spent time with her family for over nearly two years.

Vince McMahon and Luciana came up with her returning storyline of her secret return. She has been watching what was going happening on Monday night Raw. Tonight, she would be attacking Alexa Bliss from behind and helping The Shield, fight off Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre, and Bliss.

Landing in Tampa, her car took her to the arena. No one knew she was coming back, fans and coworkers assuming she secretly retired. Luciana put her hood on, and sunglasses. She was escorted to hair and makeup, no one being allowed inside, except Vince.

She sat in the makeup chair, the artist finishing up before she got into her outfit. Hearing a knock on the door, security opened it, revealing Vince. Jumping out of the chair, she greeted him with a hug.

Luciana's POV

"It's good to have you back." He patted my back.

I pulled away and smiled, "it's good to be back. I missed it."

"We all missed you. Especially the fans. No one had any idea you're coming back. Finally the media moved on from you, no offense."

I shook my head, "none taken. It was getting way too crazy." I remembered how much attention I received when the video and pictures got out into the media of when Levon fought me. The last eight months, my name was completely out of the media and I finally had a break.

"So!" Vince clapped his hands together. "You'll wear the mask, and security will escort you to the seat by the ring. You'll be the announce table, we'll tease everyone and play your music a few times, and then the third time, hop the barricade and go for it."

I nodded my head. "Sounds like a plan."

"Alright," he looked at his watch. "You have fifteen minutes until you are seated." He began to walk to the door. "Oh and Luciana,"

I looked back at him, "yes sir?"

"It's good to have you back. We were all relieved to
know you were okay."

"Thank you for bringing me back." I smiled and he did too.

I was currently being escorted to my seat, I sat down,
directly behind the announce table. Some people stared but others mostly payed attention to the scene in front of them. Alexa was trash talking like always, and she mentioned me, again.

"I already got rid of one diva, why not have some more fun and get rid of three." She laughed and then her and Corbin, Lashley, and Drew started beating up on Roman, Seth, and Dean.

My leg shook up and down, my anxiety level was skyrocketing.

Then the lights became red and flashy.

"Ride or die remember?" went through the speakers and the crowd went insane.

Alexa stepped off of Roman and backed up, her face turned pale and she looked like she seen a ghost. The tune kept playing for two times, until finally my song fully played.

"Ride or die remember?"
"I never feared death or dying
I only fear never trying
I am whatever I am,
Only God can judge me now
One shot, everything rides on tonight
Even if I've got three strikes, I'mma go for it
This moment, we own it
And I'm not to be played with
Because it can get dangerous
See these people I ride wit
This moment, we own it."

I hopped the barricade and slide in the ring.

"What the hell? Who is that?" Michael Cole said.

I tapped Alexa's shoulder, she turned around and I gave her an RKO. I then attacked Lashley, Drew, and Corbin. I quickly put them out of the ring. I took off the mask and the crowd jumped out of their seats. Flipping my hair, I grabbed the microphone.

"I'm backkkkk!"


Fans screamed and went crazy. I looked over at Alexa and her eyes went wide.

"I missed y'all!" I said. I turned to Alexa, "I am so happy to come back home! I missed this. But see while I was away.. I couldn't help but hear the barbie constantly run her mouth about me. I also seen her beat up on the shield. So to make things even and fair, I decided to come back." The guys stood on the side of me, also shocked by my return. "See Alexa, sweetie. You thought I was retired?" I scoffed and looked at her. "My career is only getting started, bitch."

She jumped in the ring and me and her went at it, until the guys pulled us apart.

The crowd started cheering, "STASSI! STASSI! STASSI!"

Roman still had his grip on me, Alexa began to get mad at the crowd chanting my name. I smirked at her and slithered out of Roman's grip.

I walked to get out of the ring, but I quickly turned back and gave Alexa one more RKO and exited the ring. I looked at the crowd and widely smiled. I made my way backstage and was instantly tackled by all the divas. Well the ones who liked me.

"YOURE BACK!" They all squealed. I laughed and hugged them all back.

"Luciana we also got you this," Vince showed me a cake that was set on the table. It read 'welcome back! #survivor #fighter. I smiled and hugged all my bosses. The moment was perfect until...

"We couldn't get a heads up she was back?!" Dean asked Triple H and Vince.

"Don't listen to him," Seth rolled his eyes. "It's good to have you back! We missed you!" he hugged me and pecked my cheek.

"Hey," Dean said and pushed Seth out of the way. "Welcome home." He hugged me. "Ooooh cake!" he got distracted and walked away.

"Welcome back Sanchez," Roman gave me a side hug.

"Thanks Reigns." I simply said.

"Did you get more tattoos?" Becky asked me and came to my side.

"Yeah. I got five more." I replied.

"Show us!" Naomi encouraged.

"Well I got my sons name by my collarbone," I said and moved my hair and strap to my shirt. Before my miscarriage, we found out I was pregnant with a boy. Five months after my miscarriage, I got the name me and Levon chose, which was "Luca Cardenas." It was big across my left shoulder and collarbone area. Everyone gathered around me and looked at it, some offered me a hug or smile. Roman passed me a small sad smile. I continued to show them my tattoos, most were either extended by previous ones or adding something new.

"After the show, we're going back to mine and Jimmy's house we have here in Tampa. Others are going, pleaseee come?" Naomi pleaded.

I thought about it for a moment. I did need some friend therapy, " I'd love to."

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