Chapter Nine

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Ae glares at the man who punched and he stands up quickly, smirking at the stupid man.

"You're going to regret that." Ae says before punching him back and he sees Chomthawat smirking at him, he glares at him hatefully. "Chomthawat." Chomthawat laughs evilly as he holds Pete tightly while Pete struggles his grip.

"It's been a long time, Intouch. Tell me how's your father. Oh that's right, my partner killed him." Chomthawat teases and Ae growls.

"And I'll kill you." Ae snares and starts to charge, but stops as Chomthawat puts a dagger to Pete's neck.

"Nuh uh uh, we wouldn't want to have an innocent girl's blood on your hands. Now would we?" Pete rolls his eyes and quickly pushes Chomthawat's arm away as he elbows him in the ribs, making it easier for to escape. Pete draws his gun and points it him.

"You were saying?" Pete asks still undercover and Chomthawat glares at Pete before snapping his fingers, Ae and Pete duck as bullets start flying their way.

"Have fun~" Chomthawat snickers before he retreats.

"You're not getting away this time!" Pete growls as he runs after him.

"Pichaya, what the hell are you doing?!" Ae yells and runs after him, grunting in pain as he's shot in the shoulder by a cutthroat. Ae shoots in their direction as he hides behind a wall, he turns on his headset. "Pond, cover Ai Aim. I'm going to help Pete."  Pond nods and shoots the cutthroat in the head that was about to stab Ae with their dagger while Ae runs.


Pete catches up with Chomthawat and tackles him to the ground, making him groan in pain as well I annoyance. Chomthawat throws Pete off of him and they glare at each other as Pete aims his gun at Chomthawat.

"It's over, Chomthawat. You're under arrest." Pete says and Chomthawat smirks before blowing some kind of powder in Pete's direction. Blinding powder. Pete starts coughing violently, his vision so blurry that he doesn't see the foot that kicks him in the stomach and the hands that tie his behind his back up before pushing him into a room. Pete chokes on the air around as he tries to take deep breaths and he gasps, hearing a gun cock.

"You know Nira, you are such a beautiful girl. But you are so naive to think you could ever take me alone." Chomthawat laughs, then the door slams shut and he hears another gun cock.

"Who said she's alone?" Ae asks and Chomthawat growls as he turns around with gun still pointed at Pete, Ae looks at him stoically. "Nira, you good?" Ae asks not wanting to blow Pete's cover, Pete nods and Chomthawat glares at Ae.

"So Intouch, you are S.T.O.P.A agent now? Talk about pathetic." Ae smirks.

"Not as pathetic as having sex with girls half my age." Chomthawat shoot at the Ae, only for Ae to duck and for the bullet to knock off the door knob. Pete moves out the way with a scream as Ae tackles Chomthawat to floor, knocking both of their guns away from them.

"You little brat! You should have been killed with your father." Chomthawat punches Ae's already wounded shoulder and Ae groans in pain as he holds it, Chomthawat chuckling darkly. "Too bad my partner couldn't finish the job, maybe that's why he got dumped." He punches Ae in the face and grabs a dagger from the inside of his jacket, Ae gasps as Chomthawat smirks. "I'll make sure I get rid of you, brat." Pete shakes his head in anger and makes his way to Chomthwat kicking him in the face, making him get off of Ae. Pete gets beside Ae as Ae sits ups.

"Ae, are you alright?" Pete asks and he screams in surprise as Chomthawat pulls Pete from his toes up hands.

"You bitch!" He throws Pete away from Ae and making him crash into vase filled with water, his wig coming off in the process. The water melts Pete's makeup off and Chomthawat notices the discarded wig on the floor. "What the hell?" Pete looks and glares as Chomthawat's eyes widen for a second before smirking in amusement. "Well, isn't my little nephew Pete?" Ae's eyes widen.

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