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I was so scared of him right now.

He had a sinistic look on his face which made me want to pee in my pants.

I got up and started heading towards the door.

But I wasn't fast enough as Lucas caught up to me and grabbed my hands and pushed me against the wall.

He was just inches away from me.

And the force which he was applying on my wrists was too much.

It will definitely leave a bruise.

"You bitch, I was trying to be sweet to you and here you are trying to act like a tough bitch." He snarled.

I winced.

He continued "Xavier will get bored of you really fast. And then he will toss you around like garbage. Then you will come running to me."

I flinched. That hurt.

"Because look at you, you are so plain. You don't have anything" he scoffed.

Tears started to form in my eyes. This hurts way to much.

"So it will be for the best if you stay away from him" he said and left.

By now tears were falling down my cheeks.

I know I'm nothing special but will Xavier really get bored of me?

I ran out of the library and pushed myself towards the bathroom.

I locked myself in a stall and cried my lungs out.

I don't even know why I was crying. I'm such a crybaby.

Xavier deserves better than me. He doesn't deserve a nobody like me.

I got out and fixed my face.

My eyes were red and puffy. And my face was looking so dull.

The bell rang indicating it was lunch now.

I groaned and started making my way towards the canteen.

I took my lunch tray and and sat besides Lily.

I ignored Xavier's presence and ate my lunch in silence.

I can feel him looking at me.

So I looked up. I saw him looking at me with concern and confusion in his eyes.

I looked back down and kept on eating my meal on silence.

The bell rang and I rushed to my class.

By the time it was PE I became nervous. Xavier is definitely going to ask what's wrong.

I started making my way to the ground and suddenly someone pulled me inside the janitor's closet.

I was going to scream but I immediately recognised who it was by the person's cologne.


Xavier Black (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now