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7 months later.

The past seven months were the best.

I learned so much about Xavier and the others.

Me and Xavier were still strong as ever.

And I fall more and more in love with him as the days pass by.

Tomorrow is our graduation day and I'm kinda sad that I didn't get a lot of time with my group.

But the memories I do have with them will always be in my heart.

And I'll cherish them every single day.

Arnold and Sean were still dating and since they both started dating, more and more people were starting to come forward with their sexuality.

Which was great.

Whereas for PJ and Lily, they were stuck to eachother like glue.

During dinner I always noticed PJ smiling and chuckling at his phone.


They act like they are gonna get married and have kids by tomorrow.

And as for Bethany and Zayn things didn't change.

I noticed that Zayn has been trying to talk to Bethany for the past few months but Bethany was trying her best to ignore him.

Me being the good one, I suggested Bethany to atleast clear out the tension as to why did Zayn treat her like that.

And I also came to know that it wasn't the first time he had done something like that.

He had done this plenty of times. He had insulted her and even let his old friends bully her in middle school.

But I don't understand why. Why would he do something like this to someone who used to be so close to him.

There must be a reason behind this.

And that is why I pleaded Bethany to clear it out with Zayn.

But she kept on refusing.

She said he had crossed all his limits this time.

I can see that she still loved him a lot.

It definitely hurt her seeing Zayn with other girls.

After my encounter with him seven months ago I had told him to stop toying around with girls.

He did stop sleeping around.

But the damage was done.

He had already broken Bethany's heart and it pains me to see her like this everyday.

I know he is redeeming himself but he has to try harder and he has to confront Bethany about everything.

Well apart from this let's get into my love life.

As we are going to leave for college in a few months it's going to be difficult for all of us to stay in contact.

I always wanted to go to yale. And I applied for it and got in.

I was so happy when I got my acceptance letter.

Xavier was happy for me too but I knew we were gonna go our separate ways.

But Xavier told me that he had applied to a local college which was the nearest to mine.

He said that he didn't want to be away from me for four years.

And he was going to take up his mom's company so he thought that he didn't need to go to any fancy college.

I was so happy that he made such a big choice that too only for me.

I love him so much.

Just a smile from him makes my day so you can imagine how would it be like to spend four years with him.

I can already see myself living with him in the future.

With this thought in my mind I went to sleep.

Day after graduation.

Everything seemed so lonely.

I never expected that after school was over it was going to be so lonely.

I guess this is the stage of our lives where we grow up.

I was currently in my home.

The whole group was here.

We were having our little party.

Currently we all were playing a random board game.

There was still a lot of tension between Bethany and Zayn.

We all could feel it. So in the beginning it was a little awkward but now we were used to it.

Zayn seemed pretty distant too.

And I know that guilt was tearing him apart.

They have history that's for sure.

I hope they sought it all out.

To be honest they for sure will make a pretty cute couple.

But Zayn's mistakes can't be forgiven that easily.

I sighed.

"What's wrong baby?" Xavier asked pulling me close to him.

"Nothing just thinking" I said while leaning into him.

"About what princess?" He said.

"About how things are going to change from now on and how we are going to be seperated."

"Don't worry princess. No one will leave anyone. We all will always be together." He said.

He continued. "And I will be there to keep you company for the next four years." He winked at me.

I chuckled.

"Yeah right" I shook my head.

I looked around the room, and saw everyone smiling and giggling.

I smiled to myself.

In just a year they became such a big part of my life.

I looked at Xavier.

I still don't know what I did to deserve such a great guy like him.

I looked at our intertwined hands and squeezed his hand.

I looked back up at him and saw him smiling down at me.

He leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Together forever princess. Together forever." He mumbled in my ears.

Together forever.






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