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Lucas wasn't home yet. He must be hanging with his so called friends.

To be honest I don't like his friends.

They get involved in illegal activities like underground fighting and smuggling of drugs.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lucas took drugs too.

From his face I could say that he did take drugs on a daily basis.

I don't understand why.

If he continues to take drugs then the repercussions won't be good.

I was currently in my room.

I was waiting for him. I can't wait anymore.

I have to ask him why? Why did he do what he did?

All these years he has been hiding that he tried to kill himself.

But why? Why would he try to kill himself?

I am angry and confused at the same time.

Being jealous of me couldn't be the only reason why he did that. Could it?

He tried to kill himself.

These words were still circling in my head.

A part of me felt guilty. Because he tried to kill himself because of me.

I heard footsteps and I knew that was him.

Our rooms were on the second floor and nobody came to our floor but us at this time of the day.

It was way past midnight.

He was late. Was he with his so called friends?

I have to say that they definitely are a bad influence on him.

I built up the courage to go to his room and confront him about everything.

I was nervous.

I don't even know why. He has made my life a living hell for me. So I shouldn't be nervous or scared.

I took a deep breath and knocked on his door.

"Go away mom. I'm in no mood to talk." He said in a grumpy voice.

Was he high?

I shook my head and knocked again and said "It's me not mom."

There was silence on his side for good two minutes.

The door creaked open and he waved at me to come in.

I took a deep breath and went inside.

His room was quite decent.

To be honest I haven't seen his room in years.

I sat down on his bed while he settled down in the bean bag.

Xavier Black (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now