* If u at least like this story then plsss comment nd vote, not for a specific reason i jus like readin hella good books nd writing wha makes people happy. This book is the one of ma firsts on wattpad <3 nd i wana say A huge thankuu to every single person out there that is reading it, it means alot lol.... And dats all i gotta say
Hi my name is shaniah im 15 nd a
A lil big in 'some places'
Thick dark brown afro hair which
lets just say is black ok...
My eyes are also dark brown but
the u kno what people like to say
its black, i get so pissed of.
Ma best friend jayana loves my
eyes she says i have cat eyes or
daring shall i say i mean 1st of all i
hate cats i think their scaary no lie and my eyes sound scary
She also says iam really pretty on
the outside as well as in but i dont
know who cares anyway
Anywayyy i hav dimples when i
smile and and i garantee they
will never fade away lol.
I live with my older sis and mom.
So yh we all bout beautyMy older sis aisha is sooo pretty she is
not black tho and incase ur
wonderin NAH she aint my half
sis or adopted or anythin like that
she basically is....
According to congolese people if
ur reading she is a NDOO NDOO!
Ryt which basically means she
was born with the colour of pale
mix raced peoples skin tone or
perhaps REALLY LIGHT Patches of skin
however she is still black, just
genes and history backgrounds of
lightskins i guess but how i wish i
cud hav
her skin tone!!! To me black is so
borin but im still proud of being
it, all those lightskinned celebs
like rihanna, beyonce, nicki, tyga, ella
eyres the list goes onnn nd personally
i think they got their beauty from
the blacks but still i
bet ill get a bf in like 30's i mean all
the black boys in my school go for
them white gals with long super
thin blond hair or 'ioned back' as
my sister calls em not sure why lol
We live in a house in bham but its
a lil small.
I mean com on ive never been
kissed and ive never had a bf all i
want is some love....
Excuze me for
a sec
1 loove 1 higghh lets get together
and feel alri...
Is it good? Nah?
Plss coment or inbox me thankuuu xo