Quick chapterrrr

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I go to school which i hate cos u

cant focus on study nd getting

good grades not only that but i

hate the people,

everyone tries to be white or mix

because they believe that their the
most attractive finds some aint

even proud of their ethnicity all i

say is

good things come to those who wait.

Yh yh i aint a goody tooshoes

either jus a gal who wish was

attractive alright?

So its time to go to that place again SCHOOL

Sha: 'Bye mom' *i say*

aish: BYE mama O zala bein

Mom: MAYELE na class motoomboli te---
Bye shayy

We say bye to our mom oh by the

way ma sista speaks other

languages lingala, french,

portuguese which she got from my dad and jus english

i speak english but i wish i cud be like my sis

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