Jiminie, you didn't know?

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Jungkook was scrolling through the spreadsheets, humming to himself quietly as he inputted new numbers into the cells. He bopped his head to the beat, ears comfortably snug with headphones which blocked out the rapid typing from the rest of his coworkers.

He worked a mildly entertaining job as your everyday office worker in an advertising company, set to filling out spreadsheets, writing reports, analysing trends and such. Team meetings, going out for dinner together and having occasional events to bond, like camping and sports day. It wasn't a terrible job, he got by, and his coworkers were nice, although he wasn't particularly close with any of them.

He watched his phone light up with a notification, from their group chat with his two husbands, Taehyung and Vante. Strangely polarising names, one being very Korean and one more Western, but they blamed it on their art aficionado father, who found those names appealing compared to their mother who wanted more traditional Korean names (though clearly he had won one battle, seeing how their sons were named).

He felt the corners of his lips curl up, just thinking about them made him smile. He opened the messages, seeing the cute designs Vante had painted on the new denim jacket Taehyung had recently made.

V (derived from Taehyung being tired of saying his full name all the time), being the artsy person he was, dabbled in all sorts of art, gaining quite the reputation in various fields of art.

Taehyung, on the other hand, modelled and designed things. He also had an interest in acting, noting that it was something he wanted to dabble in more.

Thankfully, the public adored those two for their talent and looks and personalities, and they knew how to leave them alone (though maybe the threats to the news outlets worked their magic, as the twins could be very threatening). Perhaps it was a miracle this happened, but he was grateful, because that gave him that little extra privacy in their marriage.

Taehyung and V-hyung both had professional Instagram accounts to display their work and interact with fans, and the three of them shared a personal account for their own fun. If fans could find the random name of the account, they were let in a more intimate view of their life. No comments though, and no DMs. They took letters however.

Jungkook quickly typed back "cute!!", wherein Tae jumped in and texted back, "what about me, baby? :("

He giggled at Tae's cuteness. They were both so cute sometimes, he couldn't believe they were older than him.

"you're cute too, taehyungie 🥰 i love you"

"god you're so fucking cute let me smooch you"

"hehe you can't! we're both at work"

"stop flirting with my husband, asshole."

"he's my husband too as far as im concerned."

" im crossing you off our marriage papers"

The way they bickered made his heart fond. He knew they were extremely close at heart, but this was one of the more fun aspects to watch. He chuckled to himself, switching off the screen and kept typing, although occasionally his screen would flash back on, revealing a picture of his two men smiling like cuties.

He was really tempted to call them and hear their voice, but it was nearly lunchtime and he was going to eat with Jimin hyung, and it would be a bit weird especially considering no one had noticed his wedding ring. Truthfully, they had only been married for around three months, though they had been dating a very long time (seven years, when he was 18 and the twins were 20) to make sure this relationship would work out. After all, it wasn't very conventional, having two boyfriends that were twins.

"Come on, Jungkookie. Let's go eat." Jimin patted the back of his chair lightly, causing him to look up. He grabbed his neatly stacked lunchbox, wrapped in a pretty handkerchief and carried it carefully to the lunch tables.

Jimin picked up a meal from the convenience store, staring enviously at the lunchbox. "It's especially pretty today." He commented, watching Jungkook carefully open the knot on the handkerchief.

Jungkook nodded, Taehyung and V had decided to pair up and make his lunchbox today, which made his heart flutter. They weren't the best cooks, but they've watched him cook for a long time so hopefully they picked up some skills. Usually he'd make himself and V-hyungie lunch, and occasionally Taehyung if he didn't have plans to eat lunch with a friend or his coworkers.

Taehyungie would get upset and clingy that he didn't get one all the time, but it couldn't be helped as he was his little social butterfly. It was a small sacrifice because he was insistent on going home to Jungkook when work ended rather than going out for drinks unless he had to.

He lifted up the lid, seeing the pretty arrangement of the food.

"Wah… it's pretty!" Jimin peered over the table to see the neatly decorated foods, all tastefully elegant looking and appetising. Jungkook nodded, corners of his mouth aching at how much he was grinning. As expected from his arty boys.

"I want someone to make me food like that too…" Jimin whined, munching on his bought lunch too.

"You could just make it yourself, hyung."

"But that's not the same!" He sighed, shaking his head. "Jungkookie, you don't understand, I need love like that too!"

"Aish, hyung, just make it yourself! Full of self love!" He ate the rolled omelet, noting it was slightly overseasoned but pretty good. Perhaps they were getting better in the kitchen. Reaching for the neatly stacked meatballs, he found that they were slightly charred and perhaps a touch dry, but not as salty as the eggs, which was good. It made him well up with pride.

"Look at you! You're never this smiley when you eat your own lunch!"

"Okay, fine." Jungkook admitted defeat albeit reluctantly. "Find someone to date then. Or ask your mum."

"Aish, if I asked her, she'll just be like, aren't you you old enough to make your own meals, and don't I send you enough food already, to me. And then she'd nag me to marry already, preferably someone who can cook if I want a homemade lunch box so bad," Jimin sighed, pinching his forehead, looking rather exhausted and probably used to this conversation. He perked up, "Jungkookie can cook, right? How about we marry and you can make me a lunchbox for the rest of our lives?"

"...Nah, I'm good, Jimin hyung." He took a bite of his rice, sprinkled with laver and sesame seeds, humming lightly. Nice texture, they did well on the rice.

"Why not?" He whined again, pouting at him and trying his cute charms on him. "You're single, I'm single, we could do with some companionship."

"Jimin hyung, I'm married."

"WHEN? I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND!" He dropped his chopsticks, voice echoing in the food hall. People stared at them.

"Boyfriend, hyung. And it's husband now."

Jimin looked at him in disbelief, mouth hanging open.


Yes, I'm married | taekook/vkookWhere stories live. Discover now