2. I can be a ruler of my own kind

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Hello people of the quarantine life!
Since I only am allowed outside to go to my horses because of everything happening right now I will hopefully have some more time to start writing again.
So here is chapter 2 for y'all patient people.

Hope you enjoy!
Kissy, Sem


William arrived back at the pack territory completely out of breath, he took a moment to rest his hands on his knees and catch his breath as a small voice spoke up.

''What did you do this time?'' William looks up just to look into his brother's bright, yet soft, blue eyes. ''I-...Ohh Louis I really fucked up this time.'' He says while sitting down next to Louis who seems busy with reading his favorite book while sitting against a tree.

''You always do.'' Louis simply says while not even looking at his slightly older brother. William looks at him with a crooked eyebrow, he always has to make sure to remind Louis of who the omega of the two of them is.

''Excuse you??'' Now he seems to truly get Louis' attention as he puts down his book. ''I'm sorry..'' Louis lets his head fall down to show his submission to his older alpha brother. ''Yeah you bet.'' William hufs while standing back up and starting to walk away as Louis speaks up once more. ''What did you do?'' His curiosity getting the better of him.

William smirks, already knowing how much Louis will freak out at what he is going to say next. ''I bit a human and he's still alive.''

He can hear Louis gasp while he walks away with a proud smirk. Leaving a completely flabbergasted Louis behind. He knows he made a huge mistake but he is always proud of himself when he gets his brother all flabbergasted at his stupid actions. The next one even worse than the one before that. He always gets it done.

Louis just sits there, too lost to think about anything to say as he watches William walk away.

As William walks into their huge mansion, yes mansion, not just a house, a mansion. But as William walks in he can see the maids bringing down a few suitcases that are from his parents. That's weird. His parents never leave the pack unless it's an emergency.

"Oh William I'm so glad to see you before we leave my dear! Nick he is here!'' His mother comes walking to him and hugs William close, William cringing at the action. His mum still always treats him like he is a kid. As if he can't be a responsible adult. Not that he is trying to be.

Nick walks into the hall a few seconds after Johannah called for him with a very serious face. Did he do something wrong? Oh wait..He did. William can practically feel himself starting to sweat as his father clears his throat.

''William my son. Your mother and I have to leave with a few members of the pack to help out your uncle, He messed up again as usual.'' His father sighed at the last part. He has a strong disliking for his own brother because Marc his mate is a beta instead of an omega like the way it's supposed to be for a leader alpha. And for his dad, that is not done.

Which is also the reason why Marc ignores Louis' existence. He never wanted a male omega because that meant having a gay son. And that is not the traditional way.

''okay..so?'' Williams asks, not sure where his father is going with this.

''So,'' He starts with a sigh "That means you will be in charge of the little group that is left here and please keep an eye on Louis, he is supposed to be getting into heat and I do not wish to see him with another male when we come back here. You understand? I expect that you are old enough now to act like an adult and get a taste of what it feels like to be leading a pack.'' His father says truthfully and William just nods. Wanting his parents to leave already.

"Yes father, I understand and I will not disappoint you.'' He answers truthfully because William really did want to lead his own pack one day, so being a pack leader was one of the things he took very serious. ''Good, I know you won't William. I trust you.''

William just looks very proud while his father speaks. He might have had a lot of fights with his father about all the rules William would break over and over again but sometimes they had a heart to heart moment and William cherished those moments.

After that his mother gave him a kiss on the head while William simply rolled his eyes at that.

And then they left. Not telling him which rules to follow while leading this pack.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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