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Alina POV

After that night me and Axel decided to get to know each other. To get to know his world and he mines.

I don't want to rush or anything but I need time to think about my feelings. I need time to establish what I feel for him.

I like him that's for sure but I am still confused.  My insecurities are killing me.

I was eating lunch with Elia. She was smiling at some cartoons she was watching at the tv.

"Is everything alright honey?" My auntie said to me.

"Yes!" I cut it short.

"You seem lost in thoughts. Tell me." She smiles at me.

"Urgh I don't know!!! You see there is one guy..." I said sighing.

"And?" She said giving me opportunity to open up.

"Well,,, He is a good guy, declared his feelings to me but the thing is I am not sure what I feel!"

"I see! Well you should realise the things you like at him and the things you dislike! To put a balance and you wont be confused. Trust you instincts and don't overthink to much. Go with the flow."

"Yeah I will do that!" I smiled at her and motion a thank you.

"If you don't mind, Who is this lucky guy?"

"Um, um..." I wasn't sure to tell her.

"It's okay if you don't tell me! Tell me when you are ready!" She reassure me patting my shoulder.

"It's not that. It's just I am afraid of you judging me!" I was deeply afraid. He is my teacher after all.

"I wont honey! I will understand you and be there for you no matter what."

"He is Axel Pierce, my physical education professor!" I whispered.

Her face showed horror! Her eyes wide open. Oh boy now I regret telling her.

"Alina honey I told you to stay away from him! He is not a good person! You don't even know him! Oh my God!!!" She said worried.

"I know but..." she interrupted me.

"Alina please stay away from him! For your own good! Don't mess with his world or you will regret it." She came closer to me begging.

Why is she so worried? Am I missing something?

"Why are you saying that? You know something I don't right?" I asked her curiously.

"Just trust me okay! Stay away from him!"She hugged me "Believe me in this!"

I didn't say anything! Now I am even more confused. What should I do trust him or leave him.


I decides to call Mabel to come over, spend some time with her and do our work together.

We were in the garden working on our project since it was Sunday.

Call me a nerdy for spending my weekend doing my homework but I am not in a mood to party or go shopping.

"Are you feeling good?!" I asked Mabel, since she came she is acting wired. Something was bothering her.

"Yeah why?"  She raised her head to see me.

"Nothing!" I  said narrowing my eyes ate her.

"Soo fuck I can't hide anything from you!!!" She sighted " MeandLandonaredaiting!" She said quickly blushing after.

"I didn't get it! Was it Spanish or something?"

She took a deep breath and said:
"Me and Landon are dating!"

Silence ...

I was staring at Mabel. She felt unconscious with my gaze.
"I-is there some-thing wrong with it?" She asked stuttering.

I was playing around with her. In fact I am so happy for her and Landon. He is a good guy.

"WOW I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUU!!" I jumped and hugged her.

"Gosh you were scaring the crap out of me!" She hugged me back.

"So tell me about it!" I said.

"You remember that night at the party, at Caleb's house?" I nodded.
"Well there we exchanged numbers and keep talking, dating. He asked me to be his girlfriend!!! He is so cute and..." she was rambling about Landon.

"Wait since then and you didn't tell me anything?! I am mad at you now!" Yeah I was mad at her for not telling me about her dates.

"Alina I am sorry I wanted to but... I wanted to be sure and surprise you! I am sorry!" She made her puppy eyes. It was difficult to be mad at her.

"Al Al" Elia came in the garden yelling my name with a bouquet of flowers in her small hands. She couldn't see the road.

"Someone left this at the door." She said handing them to me. I turned my eyes to Mabel  she shrugged.

"Well let's see the note in here." I took it and open:
"I don't want to set  the world on fire I just want to  start a flame in your
                                   /Axel Pierce/

Mabel took it from me and gasped aloud.
"And I am the one hiding things!"


Hey hey hey

What's going on everybody???

How is your mood today?

Mine perfect all day staying home because of this deadly virus Coronavirus! My country is in isolation!

How about your country?

Keep reading and let's fight together this virus so tomorrow we can smile🥰

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