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"I'm going to set you on fire if you don't stop staring at my chest

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"I'm going to set you on fire if you don't stop staring at my chest."

Lennox put a hand to his chest in mock innocence. "Me? I would never look at a lady like that."

Alisa tore into a ham sandwich. It tasted like dust and paper blowtorched into something remotely resembling cardboard. She should've known the government wouldn't give them proper food. After all, they were merely pawns in a sick game of survival. "You're more full of shit than my grandfather's toilet, and he took laxatives to help his digestion on a daily basis."

Lennox laughed. He wasn't eating. "Feisty. I like it." His hair, despite the dim lighting of the maze, shone like gold---like the gold Rumpelstiltskin had spun for the maiden in the old fairytales, gold created from greed and desire and deceit. In fact, Lennox's entire being seemed to be crafted from that same gold, that treacherous, lying gold.

Alisa stood up, disgust lining her stomach with bile. She wasn't sure what sickened her more---the sad excuse of a sandwich, or Lennox's even sadder excuse of flirting. To her great dismay, the wolf stood up as well. "Don't be like that, Alisa," he pressed.

"Fuck off," she retorted, her eyes snapping to the opposite wall. Becca sat alone, muttering to herself, her lips barely moving. "Go back to your girlfriend---although why she wants to stay with you, I don't know."

"She's not my girlfriend. She's just a stray." His words were searing hot against her ear, and while his breath wasn't unpleasant and smelled better than hers probably did, it still made her skin crawl with revulsion. She hated boys like him, the ones who thought they were the shit, the ones who thought women were just objects to be won. And he'd called Becca a stray---although Alisa still believed the girl was insane, she couldn't help the wave of pity that rolled over her for Becca.

She started walking down the gloomy path stretching ahead of them; Cheng Xin, Red, and Jada would be there, sitting a bit further down. She would finally be safe there, away from this creep and his unwanted affections. Before she could go very far, though, a hand shot past her and pinned her to the wall, pressing her against cold steel by her shoulder. Lennox was grinning, teeth white as sharpened pearls. "Where are you going?" he asked. "I thought we were getting along well."

"You can kiss my fat Chinese ass, you damn pervert," Alisa snarled.

He winked---and although he did look good doing it, Alisa wasn't swayed. "It's a very nice ass."

That did it. Alisa slammed the tip of her combat boot up between his legs as hard as she could. She was glad to find that despite his obvious obnoxiousness, he was still human. His eyes bugged out of his head as he crumpled to the ground with a muffled yelp.

I should add crotch-kicking to my list of notable skills.

She walked past Lennox, snorting in suppressed disgust as Becca noticed his groaning body and crawled over to his side. Stupid girl. She's too damn good for him. Then again, it doesn't take much to be too good for that creep. He deserves hell. As she approached her twin, her heart ached at the sight of Red and Cheng Xin sitting side by side, too caught up in conversation for the rest of the world. Jada sat in her brother's lap, and while Red still shied away from the animal, he seemed to have warmed up enough to her to not scream every time she barked.

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