Messing Up

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I'm probably doing more than I should
I'm probably not understanding the way I should
This is what gets me hurt
The simple things that brings discomfort
The simple things that makes me overthink
One minute I am ok and the other I am not
Because one minute you're wanted and the other you're not
It's like something you always wanted
You got it as a present but after a few days it's no long valuable to you
So you search for something new
They don't see the value in you
They don't see your worth because you are not like any typical girl
You're more than that
They don't really value the love you give but your body that you offer is like a dream come through
But you won't see their intentions until it's too late
You won't realize you've messed up before it's too late
Be attentive to the things people do
Even when it seems too good.

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