1. It was fast

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Hi my friend, from the previous little thing of a chapter you may now know that my name is Arther!

but if you don't, shame on you! I don't know how we'd be friends and how I'd trust you with the story of my life! any way.

let's go back to the beginning...... a little more.. a little more.. ahh.. yes! just there.

here we are in 1479 A.C a young baker called "Trevor Megladon" was hanging around the street after a big day of missing with flour.

and trrrrrrrrr the camera is there, I'll meet you again in a couple chapters.

"Hey T!" said James.

"Hey Man! how are you doing!" replied Trevor.

"Doing Great! I was just going to get some bread from the best baker in our lovely town you know. but it seems like he has shut the place down." said James.

"I'm not gonna offer you bread for free after that sugary speech if that's what you are looking for !" said Trevor in doubtful eyes.

"What! Me! ah don't be silly T! just do me a favor and come and give me something to eat with, and don't worry I'm going to pay you this time." said James.

If he was not my friend I'd just ignore him god knows!.

"Let's See... where are the keys?" said Trevor.

"You mean the keys that you did throw in the garbage a moment ago?!" James.

"did what!??? oh go get it idiot! you will make my head explode!!" Trevor.

that moment I could see James hurrying up like an ostriches being chased by a lion to get the bakery keys back before the garbage collector gets them first!

While he was away I drowned thinking about this young lady whose photos are all over the street.

It's said to be the youngest princess of the royal family.

Well, I won't lie about this, she was so pretty, even when just her eyes are the only thing I can see in the photo, the rest of her face was covered with white feathers.

I don't know why her pictures are there but I heared that an announcement was to be made in the royal party which is to be held tonight in the Barry hotel of the town.

Despite being a small town, it is a very beautiful piece of land on the earth.

I wasn't interested in knowing what was going to be announced since I'm not a very sociable guy but I wouldn't mind someone telling me about it.

When I moved here I had no friends nor anyone to talk to but my cousine James who decided to find the desire of his life outside of Smerinsbirg, the town we were raised in.

It was a very hard decision for me to leave my parents and family not to forget my childhood friends and memories behind me and seek for a new beginning to achieve my dreams and to live the life I've always dreamed to.

I'm that kind of person that loves the nature and wants to spend his life between oak trees enjoying the smell of the wet leaves I the morning and smelling the nature, hearing the partying little birds dancing with each other and calling for a new bright day to come and take them to their new journey.

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