4. the kidnapped royal

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A few moments later after that man gave that very thrilling short talk, everything stooped. I could only hear a beep continuously in my ears. My eyes were blurry. I could barely see anything. Before I could realize it, I was already thrown on the ground. I could not move my body so I waited till I could take my breath for a little period. It took me a while to see my hands again. But the beep didn’t stop. Before all of this I remember someone shouting “Take cover!”.

My sight is back. And the beep is not as intense as it was a moment ago. I took a look around me. I could see everyone just like me, thrown on the ground. But they were tough men. They could stand back up again after all of this happened. The glass of the hotel entrance was everywhere on the ground, some guards that were close got slightly injured. But they could handle it. Guards that were in front of the hotel were so injured that they needed help as soon as possible. But they were saved after all.

“hurry up! let us get of here” said someone in front of the hotel.

I do not know what is the matter with people! Instead of offering to help he wanted to escape! His friends also didn’t offer help. I am worried about future generations!

“Got you! The other two ran this way, hurry! Do not let them escape!” a guard shouted in front of the hotel catching that young man, yes! Some justice! Let him learn that he should help people in need!

The young man was hand tied, the guards brought him to the hotel. Honestly he looked guilty. So, he was brought to the reception. The guards inside have recovered from the shock, it was a big explosion but it was outside of the hotel so it did not affect us much. The shock was what threw us on the ground.

The young man was sat in the middle, do not ask me why because I do not know to be honest. But he looked important. The guards formed a circle around him and pointed their swords and shields towards him, as if he was going to try to escape from this.

He tried to scream. But it was not very late that a guard slapped him on the face. I felt sorry for him, the man seemed young, so could treat him better than that. But it was not of my business.

“Give this to the lord and tell him to come as quick as possible!” a guard shouted giving a message to another, he hurried up quitting the hotel.

I stood up watching all of this, I could not go anywhere. I was stuck in there. But I was worried most about Mariana. People that were having breakfast in the restaurant were locked in there so I expected her to be safe in there. But despite all of that, It was a night full of action. I quite liked it.

After a short time a tall man that seemed strong and muscular entered the reception with his guards, he did not need guards to be honest! I think he could defend himself easily. It was very obvious that this was a minister or maybe the king’s personal guard, we will see who he is.

“where is my guest” said him, his eyes were so open like he was looking for the young man to eat him or something. He was pretty scary to be honest.

“where is he!!” he said while kicking the chair that the young man was sitting on. It was very strong that it threw the guy on the ground that his face hit the ground as if you throw a tomato onto the wall.

The young man hardly had any time to respond before hitting him again and saying..

“Where is the king! Where is the princess!! who told you to throw the bomb!!” he said.

Now I know what he did. But I think they did not hit him enough. If they let me I could make him spit his teeth. So he was the bomber.

The bomber was about to be beaten to his death until he said..

“wait!.. wait!! I’ll tell you what you need to know” he said while crying and his face was all black and blue.

“Talk!!” the lord said while pointing his sword towards the bomber’s throat.

“it is… it…. Please sir do not kill me!, I have a family” he said while crying.
“well you better talk before I send your head to your family!!! Who sent you!!” said the lord.

“it is Theodore sir!, Theodore Lyndon.. he gave me the bomb to kill the king.” said him.

“why did you kidnap him and the princess!!” said the lord.

“he told us sir to blindfold him and his daughter if they where together. He said sir that no one could stop him from marrying the princess. Not even the king sir.. not even the king” he could barely finish his words before crying again.

“Please do not kill me sir, I swear I have told you everything I know already.!” he said.

“no you have not!… where are you taking the king!!” shouted the lord.

“to the forest castle sir. To the castle” said he while trying to breath as the sword had already scratched his nick!!

“well, I’ll let you go to your Theodore to tell him that after Roswell Adams saves the king he will come after you and cut your throat and feed it to his dogs!!” said the lord while staring at the man’s eyes.

All of that happening in front of me I could not even move my eyes, I was lucky to be able to take my breath!

“Come on men! we should move right now!!” said the lord!!

“what! Didn’t you hear what I said!! Move!” the lord shouted at me!

“sir, I am not!” said I but I was already pushed outside of the hotel and given a sword! I thought of escaping but that man for sure was going to cut my throat for treason!

“we must save the king within two days! It is time for you to do what you have been trained for all of these years!” the lord shouted at us. 

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