Is that why?...

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The daggers that sting deep within
Urge me to wonder,
Is that how you felt more than a decade and a half ago
When from flesh and blood emerged a monster so vile
It coerced you to reminisce all your sins from the past?
Is that why you perforate those knives of loathe into my skin
For me to pass on to my kin?
The same leviathan
You say, you 'fought' the whole world for..
Is that why those sinister words of poison only flow
When the nostalgia of the battles blur that vision of yours
Not from the monsters point of view..
To her you're
The fallen soldier
The ruthless jailer
And most evidently
The enigmatic reflection of hypocrisy
To keep your head held high
Infront of those who set these belittling standards
God forbid anyone tarnish that oh so sparkling reputation!
Specially the odius creature that the earth was cursed with
All thanks to you..
Did you really fight the world for her?
Or did you merely cloud their prespective with a cloud of insanity and obnoxious exploits
So that they reward you with the isolation you want for you and your little disgrace...
Your prisoner havings mates?
Having the expression of ecstasy?
Having a fragment of enjoyment in her life?
Oh lord! how can you let that happen??
All must be snatched at once!
Oh the irony...
The one who is said to have Paradise beneath her steps
Is the who brings the term Hell on earth to life...
Is that why, you're the forebearer and im the disgrace?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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