Chapter 1

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"Magpie, this is suicide!"

"Shh!" I put my finger to my lip as Storm proceded to have a mental break down.

"If we get caught, we're dead! This isn't just a we-will-return-it kind of thing. Besides do you know how much security is around that place."

"We won't get caught. Trust me."

You're probably wondering: what in the universe are they on about? 

Well, I should probably fill you in. I'm Magpie, heir to the Shadow clang family. A family of thieves. My trusty sidekick, Storm, has been having mental break-downs since I began to walk. 

Seeing, he would've been two at the time, that is mildly worrying. Anyways...

 We were about to pull off our biggest heist yet. 

Planet Earth  is home to the king of the universe, Prince Kiran. We were going to steal from the palace. 

"Now landing," hooted my owl (I stole her from a laboratory). 

A soon as the two miniature jets landed in a safe place close to the palace, it's occupants scrambled out.  

Storm was a pale as the clouds and nervously ran his hand through his glossy dark blue hair. I squeezed his shoulder reassuringly before set off for the gold tinted building. 

We got to the back door and my owl, Skye, hacked into the door lock with surprising ease. Once inside we flung ourselves stealthily against the wall in an attempt to camouflage.

 Some of the guards must've been blind or something because they walked past us without a second glance until Storm stepped on a squeaky floorboard, which revealed our hiding place. 

Quickly, we dived into the nearest room and Storm gently pushed the door shut. We waited for the footsteps to die down before remerging into the corridor.

 After that we were only stopped by a couple of droids, who reluctantly left us alone convinced that we were "guests". 

Eventually, we reached our destination: A large room, glittering with gold and silver. Wide-eyed, Storm relaxed a bit and began packing some things into his bag. I stood in the middle for a while, taking it all in. We had made it. We were actually stealing  from that useless king. My fingers traced each artefact in awe. Carefully, I loaded some of the goods into my bag. 

Freezing on the spot, my eyes glued themselves to a necklace. Taking it in my hands, I examined it's details. It was bronze-copper colour and split into five sections; each section had carving of each element (fire, air, water, earth and ice) and its own runes. Beside it was a small box with a similar pattern on it. 

Glancing over my shoulder to check that neither Skye or Storm were looking, I placed it delicately into the secret compartment of my bag. Tapping in the code, I closed my bag and hauled it onto my back. Storm did the same. Then we crept back into the hallway, Skye gliding behind us.

The way back was even easier. Not a single droid, humanoid or person stopped us once. Like ninjas in the night, we crept back to the back door with the ease of a snake. 

Once outside, we inhaled Earth's air and watched as a couple of Magpies fluttered around oblivious to the oncoming storm. Rain began to splattered our jets as we got nearer. Clamouring in we prepared for take off.

As my ship flew higher, the raindrops magnified. The fluffy white clouds blocked Storm from my view and I continued driving straight up until we had burst through the atmosphere. 

" We made it," I told Storm through the communicator. He grinned, sighing with relief. His relief was only temporary as a Earth squadron filled our mirror.

 I cursed loudly as I weaved past their gun bullets. Spotting a meteor field, I informed Storm on my plan.  "Don't -" 

Before he could finish his sentence the communicator glitched, due to being faulty in the first place, and I charged straight forward.

Expertly, I weaved my way between the meteors, narrowly dodging the flying rocks. A couple of ships crashed straight away, the others sent missiles. 

Two got beside my ship and attacked it. I quickly fell back, resulting in the missiles colliding with the other two ships. 

Eventually, I escaped all of them and sighed with relief. "I did it," I told Storm. No answer. 

As I was fiddling with the communicator, I didn't spot the space rock ahead and without warning collided with it. The went spinning out of control. Once it stopped, the "system failure" light flashed. It was going to explode. 

Grabbing Skye, who squawked in outrage, I lifted the cockpit roof and jumped.

Landing with a  thud, I found myself in the back of Storm's jet. "I told you so," he said. I grinned at him. 

"It worked though." Without a word, Storm flew us back home.


The characters at the top come in at different points. You won't believe how hard it was to find a guy with dark blue hair for Storm. So I chose Han Jisung from Stray Kids!

Any other Stays here? XD

Levy xx

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