Chapter 20

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Poseidon sat at the table with us, the moisture from his watery skin sinking into the chair. We filler him in on everything that had happened so far. 

We told him that Kieran was an evil king, who killed innocent people (like my brother) and that I accidentally released all the Elementals. Our objective was to take down Kieran and recapture the Elements. He shared one of our goal: to reseal the Elementals away.

"That you so much for helping us," Hestia said to Poseidon and Eden. The water-guy just waved us off. "My pleasure," he replied. Eden chittered in agreement.

"Why didn't we think of bringing the water pistol?" I giggled.

"The puns killed your last remaining brain cells," Storm replied. Everyone erupted into laughter and despite the fact that our amazing puns had annoyed him, he found himself laughing with us.

 It was just like the old days -  except with aqua man, a ex-royal-guard and a girl who carried weapons like candy and of course, my brother never used to a ferret - I mean deity (sorry Eden).

Our laughter ceased as we returned to Earth's crust. An old abandoned castle loomed ahead, drawing nearer and nearer until, we parked the Armada in its cobblestone drive.

We got out quietly, Eden chittering nervously at our heals. The castle was a huge grey brick building with small black windows and crumpled turrets. As Chase and Hestia opened the doors, silence hung over us like an eerie mist.

Walking further, we reached a room, which contained un identified voices. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it sounded like they were having a meeting.

Do you know why this was abandoned?" Hestia asked, noticing our blank looks she answered her own question, "It's said to be haunted and the ghost appears at night to slaughter any intruders." 

I shuddered, hoping that it was just a ghost story. The night howled outside, sending lashes of lightning at the windows. Suddenly in the darkness the room door swung open. We screaming in terror, we hugged each other in fear.

There wasn't a ghost. Just two men standing, as shocked as we were in the doorway. One had beautiful brown curls and deep aquamarine eyes, a small constellation of freckles dusted his nose; the other a tall slender man with piecing sky blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. 

He grinned at us. "I'm Kai. This is Theodore but we usually call him Theo," The brunette said.

"No, you call me Theo," the blonde corrected, "But I supposed you guys can call me Theo. Everyone does anyway, despite that the fact I always clearly state 'call me Theodore'."

Kai gave him a sheepish grin and kissed him. Theo blushed violently. 

"I'm guessing you want to join the rebellion?" Kai questioned. We nodded. "Thought as much. My brother has quite a few enemies now." He sighed. We looked at him shocked. He looked a couple years older than Kieran so why hadn't he taken the throne?

"The only royal blood I have is my mum's but she married into the crown so I'm not eligible to pinch Kieran's throne. He used to be so kind as a boy. His father ruined him." A dark look shadowed his eyes. Theo gave him a awkward hug and Kai's tense muscles relaxed.

"Right then," he grinned, "Let's make you guys official rebellion members."

He lead us into the meeting room and introduced us. The rebellion leader, Hyacinthus, a tall muscular brunette, who was the definition of tall dark and handsome, greeted us and gave us rebellion uniform. 

The uniform was purple with the word "Rebellion" written on the front. I guess they were on a budget and couldn't afford to be fancy.

I shrugged into the uniform and stepped outside my room. The others were already outside examining their uniforms. Even Eden had been given a little purple blazer. I had to admit, we looked great in them.

"This is it! We are official Rebellion members," My voice was full of enthusiasm. Everyone cheered.


They're now officially in the Rebellion! Even Eden got a uniform, how cute!

How do you think Skye is doing?

Does Kieran know about the Rebellion?

Stay safe and keep reading,

                              Levy xx

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