:Chapter 21:

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I had heard her talking to the boys, and it made me feel hopeful. I knew when she left with him, it was to mostly keep the kids safe. I knew Alucard, but to know he had hit her, almost hit Kane, I had to control the urge to go and bite the bastard, just so I could kill him. I knew Farley's parent. Her dad was a drunk abuser, had killed her mother on accident due to his drinking, and when she married me to escape that hellhole at 18, she never talked to him again, later burying him two years after leaving him to drown himself. I woke up after a few short hours of sleep, the sun bright and warm. I went and checked on my eye, and saw it was coming back, but slowly. I kept the patch over it as to not disturb others. I put on my glasses, and noticed they were getting blurrier, but I was starting to see without them. It wasn't the best, but it worked. I saw the boys had called their coffins as well, and even those looked the same. They really were peas in a pod. 

I went downstairs, and poured myself a cup of blood, getting it from the local butcher. He was an old family friend, and he knew the truth to my predicament, saying he'd give me any and all kinds he got to help. It wasn't human, but hey, it scratched the itch. I took down the wards, and made myself useful by going out and getting Farley and the boys something nice. The boys were going to be living in that room, they needed to make it their own. Farley told me Kane liked winter, and how Styx loved fall, so I got two buckets of paint that went well together, as well as the rest of the stuff needed to paint the walls. I figured painting might be a fun way to distract the kids and Farley from everything bad going on right now, and it'll help me bond with the boys. I also grabbed Farley a bouquet of her favorite flowers, white calla lily's. I get back to the house, and found one scarlet asshole sitting on my steps. 

" You got a lot of audacity showing me your face after what you did to Farley and the boys." 

" Please, hear me out. I want to help you." 

" No, you want to get back in their good graces by looking like the hero." 

" I know I messed up, Anderson, I don't need the reminder alright?"

I set down the paint and such, crossing my arms with a low growl. 

" Farley asked me to live here, full time. The boys love it here, and prefer to be here. They don't want to go back to Hellsing. They don't like the hunter life. You aren't wanted here, by anyone, so just go back to your basement room and stay there." 

Alucard looked defeated. " I really am like my father, aren't I?" 

" Well, not quite, but damn close. Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it."

" An-Alexander, please, do better than me. Take better care of them than I could. I'll deal with the beast, you just focus on protecting them from it, alright?" 

In all the years I've known him, and I've known him since I was 16, he's never addressed me by my name, not by choice, and most definitely not in the tone he was using.

" Are you just giving them up without a fight? Since when is the great Dracula a fucking defeatist?" 

" Yes, I'm giving up. She obviously will always love you. Nothing I can do can make her feel more at home than by giving her to you. I love her, yes, but I'm not so cruel as to keep hurting her, while I was obviously blind to that fact. I didn't realize she loved you so much. I never knew her to be thinking of anyone else really aside from you. Even when she was just my fledgling, she'd go on and on about stories of her youth with you. You obviously belong with her. The boys are free to do as they wish from me. They owe me no master recognition. They are Pureblood vampires, firsts of their kind."

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