w-wha-! (p4)

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Saihara pov, once again -3-
          !Slight spoilers for child's play!
   It was time for kokichi's movie, child's play. I've seen it a few times, I've grown quite fond of it as well. I don't think kokichi has seen it yet, he just heard about movies and forces someone to watch them with him.
The movie starts and Kokichi is closer than he was last time, I wonder why?

20 minutes into the movie a chair moves and Kokichi jumps and I resist the temptation to laugh

About 20 minutes after chucky's head turns around and talks to a character and Kokichi jumps and grabs my arm. I blushed like crazy.

About and hour and 20 minutes in, chucky's headless body jumps through a vent and attacks someone. Kokichi suddenly latches onto me and burys his face in my arm in a panic. I've never seen him like this, it was honestly quite cu- ughhh. Why do I keep calling him cute?!? Anyway... After everyone's movie we decided to go to sleep since it was 2 am already and makoto, hajime, and nagito passed out.
As I got closer to me sleeping bag i noticed it looked like it was big enough for 2. Byakuya passed out and it was just me and kokichi, makoto and Byakuya were asleep on the couch so Kokichi probably would take one of their sleeping bags.
As I was about to pass out with my ear buds in I felt something warm in the sleeping bag next to me. I decided it was nothing and went to sleep cause I was too tired to deal with this.
It was 4 am and I woke up from another bad dream.... I decided to put my ear buds back in and set a timer for one hour so I could get ready and make breakfast and tea for everyone.
My alarm woke me up and then I got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair then went to make food for the others.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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