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"my legs are aching. it's been so long and- oh my goodness, he has food!"

"stop complaining and yelling, you're going to wake taehyung up. remember that you are on a mission."

"yeah, yeah, whatever. what will happen to me if i complete this mission?"

"i'll think about it."

"think about it?! come on i hate-"

"stop yelling!"

"but you're yelling too!"

taehyung stirred awake and sat up. the first two things he noticed was that he was in his house and jimin standing beside him while some random guy was standing in his kitchen doorway, eating his cheeseballs. "hey, that's my food." taehyung's sleepy voice said.

"hey, you passed out and that's the first thing you notice after waking up?" jimin asked as he reached out and touched taehyung's cheeks.

taehyung winced in pain and pushed jimin's hand away. "that hurts."

"it's because you were scratched by a cat."

"oh yeah," taehyung muttered as the memory of the cat running towards flashed through his mind. "stupid cat."

"hey! you better watch what you're saying!"

taehyung turned to face the guy who was eating his cheeseballs. he had his eyebrows furrowed as he angrily munched on taehyung's cheeseballs.

"what? i should be yelling at you for being an intruder and eating my cheeseballs." taehyung said as he glared at the other guy.

"guys calm down." jimin calmly spoke. "taehyung this my friend yoongi, he helped me carry you home."

"and he's eating my food."

"calm down i can buy you more." yoongi rolled his eyes. "but you should really watch what you say about cats."

"what? does it bother you that i don't like cats?" taehyung said as he stood up and marched towards yoongi. he snatched the cheeseballs out of his hands and glared at him. "it's rude to eat other people's food."

"it's rude to talk badly to your guests."

"you're not my guest."

"i helped carry you home."

"oh, you want me to thank you for carrying me home?!"

"no, i want you to stop speaking so negative about cats, that's why you got those scratches on your face in the first place."

"that stupid cat just-"

"that stupid cat!? oh, you deserve more than just a few scratches on that pretty face!"

"what if i scratched your face, huh?!"

"guys stop fighting, please." jimin said as he stood between the two boys.

"your friend sure is nice." taehyung sarcastically said while he continued to glare at yoongi.

yoongi rolled his eyes. "whatever, jimin can we go buy our own cheeseballs?"

"no, we have to go home. we have work tomorrow, goodnight taehyung. make sure you apply something on those scratches, they don't look very pretty."

"thanks and goodnight," taehyung said as he watched jimin drag yoongi out of his house. yoongi let himself be dragged out, but not before giving taehyung a smirk and closing the door behind him.

taehyung rolled his eyes before making sure to lock the door and putting his cheeseballs back in the pantry where they were.

then, he went to his bathroom where he was horrified to find his face filled with scratches. "jimin was right, these scratches don't look very pretty." taehyung wasn't sure what to put on his face for them to go away faster or at least make them less noticeable, so he just went to bed after brushing his teeth and changing into his pajamas.

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