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favorite song(s) off D-2?

mine are burn it and people

also, i don't think you guys are ready for this chapter


"taehyungie!" jungkook clung onto taehyung while he tried his best not to cry. "i'm going to miss you."

taehyung smiled fondly and held jungkook close to him. "i'm going to miss you too."

"i hope you can confess your feelings for yoongi before you go," he whispered in taehyung's ear.

taehyung pursed his lips and said nothing. he hadn't been planning on telling yoongi how he felt about him. he just thought it was would make things difficult for both of them.

"aren't you going to miss me too?" jimin asked.

jungkook turned while his hands were still wrapped around taehyung. "no, i see you around in the animal kingdom sometimes." besides you yelled at me the other day and even though i forgave you, i'm still a little upset about that, jungkook wanted to add, but he didn't. "i don't know if i'll see taehyung again."

"maybe you will," jimin said as he smiled.

while appearing happy and smiling on the outside, jimin was still worried. he wasn't sure when to tell taehyung the truth about his brother or anything that he's lied about so far.

behind jimin, yoongi stepped forward and wrapped his arms from behind and around taehyung so that he was being squished in the middle. "i'm going to miss you too," yoongi whispered in taehyung's ear, sending shivers down taehyung's spine.

taehyung had worn a sweater to work today to hide the love bite that yoongi had made on his neck the night before. luckily the weather wasn't too hot.

"taehyung, aren't you hot with the sweater on?" jungkook asked as he felt taehyung's body a little too warm.

"no, i feel fine," taehyung lied while yoongi buried his face into taehyung's neck to hide the smirk on his lips.

it was almost closing time. taehyung and yoongi had spent the day talking about the memories they had shared together.

"it's going to be weird seeing you back in your bunny form, jungkook," taehyung said as the bunny had broken away from their hug. "and it's going to be weird seeing you back into your cat form as well," he said as he turned to face yoongi.

"why? you've already seen me and jungkook in our animal forms," yoongi said.

"yes, but i haven't seen jungkook in his bunny in a while and i got so used to seeing you in your human form. i won't be looking at brown eyes anymore, but blue eyes." taehyung said.

"i still remember the day you two met," jimin said as he recalled the memory of taehyung being so afraid of the small white fluffy cat. "taehyung was so scared."

"i remember the day i met taehyung," jungkook added. "he was afraid of me too," he pouted.

"cats, i understand why you hated them and were so afraid of them, but a bunny?" yoongi asked in disbelief. "a cute little bunny? jungkook would never hurt anyone."

"okay, but i'm not afraid anymore. i don't hate animals either, so look how far i've come in only a month," taehyung defended himself. "i used to be so scared of the possibility of turning into a cat."

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