e l e v e n

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taehyung was panicking.

"this can't be happening." he said as he kept looking behind the bush as if the cat would suddenly reappear again. "i was only gone for about ten minutes..." taehyung desperately looked behind the other bushes, trying to find the cat, but the cat wasn't there. but ten minutes is still a long time. anything could have happened to the cat.

"there's no way he could have left." taehyung said as he looked around, hoping to spot the cat's white fur. "he can't even walk."

someone could have taken the cat. taehyung didn't understand how if the cat was well hidden. did his white fur stand out a lot from behind the bush?

taehyung looked around the store's parking lot. there were lots of cars. cats love crawling under cars, right? he has to be here somewhere under one of these cars.

taehyung looked under the cars and even peeked through the car windows in case the cat was inside of a car, but there was no sign of the cat.

taehyung thought of the possible scenarios that could have happened to the cat and none of them were good. he hoped the cat would be safe. he hoped he could find him soon.

looking around, taehyung didn't know what to do or where the cat could have possibly gone to. the store was on a main street. there was no way the cat could have crossed the street, not with an injured leg.

taehyung took a shaky deep breath to calm himself. "yoongi...?" he hesitantly called the cat's name. taehyung has never called yoongi by his name, human or cat form. "yoongi?!" he called out again. he hoped that the cat would hear him.

taehyung listened closely for any sounds of a cat, anything that sounded like a cat. "yoongi?!" he tried again, but the only thing he could hear was the busy cars driving by and the people walking out from the store.

taehyung decided to go back to the spot where he left the cat. the only reasonable explanation that taehyung could think of was that someone had taken the cat.

taehyung looked around the bush trying to find something, anything that could have belonged to a person and could have possibly dropped it by mistake while they were taking the cat.

on the ground, taehyung spotted a hair tie. he picked it up. did someone drop this or did they fall out of their wrist? hair ties don't usually fall out of wrists, or do they?

taehyung didn't know what to think. he tossed the hair tie aside. he didn't think someone could have dropped their hair tie. taehyung looked around thinking of where the cat could have gone to.

"i should have left the cat at home. this wouldn't have been happening right now. he would have been at home with me. i could have been feeding him more cheeseballs right now." taehyung said as he looked down at the four grocery bags in his hand. he was scared. he already felt guilty for hurting the cat, but, this was worse.

taehyung wanted to call jimin. he figured jimin could help him find the cat, but taehyung didn't want the other to know that he had lost the cat and that he had left him outside.

taehyung could also imagine jungkook's sad face. the bunny had talked about how much fun he had with yoongi in his cat form. if taehyung can't find yoongi, jungkook won't have his best friend anymore.

taehyung felt tears start to form in his eyes. he dropped to his knees along with the grocery bags falling beside him. he had his head hung low as the tears slowly streaked down his face. "yoongi?!" he attempted to shout, but all that came out was a choked sob while calling out the cat's name.

taehyung didn't think the cat would hear him, so he figured he had no choice, he had to tell jimin. as he was about to fish his phone out of his pocket, taehyung heard a small sound. he froze and raised his head up. taehyung listened closely trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

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