chapter 1

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"HEY SOMEBODY STOP HIM!" I book it down the road clutching the peace of bread like my life depended on it... and it kinda does. I make a sharp turn down an ally when banana guards step in front of me. I screech to a stop and turn around to see them blocking the other side.

I growl defensively and look around for a way out i spot a man hole thing when they try to calm me down so they can grab me. I throw up the pipe lid and jump down running through the pipes i hear the sloshing of water behind me and run faster.

I see a light when i reach the end of the tunnel, i jump out and over the river and into the woods i here them yell in defeat and i chuckle i run a bit more then stop collapsing on the ground.

My legs feel like jello and my lungs are on fire. 'Oh my glob.... all that for some bread....' i saybin my head. i urk and throw up from over extrusion and flop on soft grass. 'Finally over...' i think

Pov fionna

I walk in the palace to the throne room to see marshall lee and prince gumball. Gumballs pacing and looks mad as. I close the door and he looks up. "Great your here... i have a mission for both of you theres been a shop lifter in my kingdom lately.. he steals food blankets toys... he even stole one of my subjects who i found dead with no candy magic in him!" I gasp "gumball thats horrible..." marshall cuts in " so whats he look like?" "Well he has (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, he's pale and fast."

"Dont worry gumball me and cake will get him!" Marshall nods and flys out.

Your pov

I sleep under the tree i passed out at Next to the river. My stomic was empty cause of how much i threw up, so i ate some of the bread and sat there. I carved my initials into the tree and bent down grabbing a cloak. This is risky i just got in trouble so ill wait till night...

Night timeeee (i be lazy)

I jump the wall and look around to see no one. I sneak to a food stall and picklock the lock and grab some food. I stop and freeze when i sense someone behind me.

I grab the ledge of the cart and slam it into the person. Or in this case people, aka fiona and cake, they growl and a run as fast as i can back to the woods and inside. They yell for someone but i dont hear i duck into a cave and sit there till its silent.

I sigh and decide to sleep there so i go deeper in the cave and curl up against the wall which is oddly soft. Well i am in the candy kingdom this must be a cotten candy cave. I fall asleep on the comfy object and wake up in the morning. I get up to see flannel and gray skin. I rub my eyes and look at the object. "Sleep well?" I jump back and slip twisting my ankle i yelp in pain and his eyes widen " woah sorry are you ok?"

I growl and try to step back but yelp in pain. He gets up and grabs me in comforting arms and i try to resist but my body feels so fuzzy and warm. I sit calmly and he looks at me confused. "Woah you got comfortable fast..." he looks at my ankle "ooo thats bad its so swollen and bruised..." i curl up into his chest as he picks me up. "Ill take you to a friend of mine so you can get patched up."

I ended up falling asleep not noticing what was to come....

a wilting rose 🌹 (marshall lee x Mute male reader)Where stories live. Discover now