chapter 2

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Marshall Lee's pov

I hold the warm trembling bundal in my arms and fly to bubba's (prince bubble gums) palace. I knock on his window and he looks towards me then rushes over to open the window. I fly in and he chuckles menacingly so you found the little theif i stop. "What.... wait this is him?!" I feel movement then it settles down a bit. 'Guess he's sleeping...' bubba sighs "god your hopeless.... anyways hand him over ill put him in the dungeon i sigh then hold him out when suddenly im pushed and bubba yelps. I rub my head then look up to see bubba with a deep gash on his leg and knelt down and the boy i found holding a dagger while attempting to look threatening but his leg almost giving out on him bubba gets up and goes to go closer to me but the boy growls and gets closer. Bubba looks out the window then starts trying to reason with him. I dont know what hes planning till i see fionna and cake creeping up he notices them and backs into a corner knelling down know cause of his ankle. He growls weakly. And fionna and cake advance pushing him further to the corner. Shit... this is bad

Your pov

I get pushed into the corner more and scan the room for an opening when i see it. I put my good foot against the wall and fake me lowering my guard which lowers theres i push off the wall as hard as i can and go in between them and grb the boy who saved me then fall out the window on a cotton candy bush. I get up and realize i may or may not of accidentally knocked him unconscious .... oops

Despite my pain i sprint away and into the forest till i reach the edge of the forest and a new cave. I collapse in the cave ontop of the boy and whimper from the excruciating pain in my ankle. He opens his eyss a bit and i roll off him and sit up making a cast with my cloak. He sits up confused then looks at me.... still confused.

I write in the dirt 'i saved you from the bad people' he sighed "hey they aren't the bad guys... i took you to bubba cause of your ankle he was gonna help you." I growled and wrote 'liar' he growled back which made me growl louder at him basically seeing who would back down first. I continued growling back louder till his eyes turned black with red pupils and he growled deeper in a sorta demonic way. I tried to keep my stance but in the end i fell through and whimpered while he pinned me to the floor and growled one last time.  "Dont call me a liar...." he snarled and glared. I nodded and he picked me up "were going back and you'll apologize and behave this time...." i scoffed and he glared making me sink into his arms. I heard what sounded like a chuckle when i whimpered.

We arived at the castle and fionna and cake immediately squared up (yes squared up idk how else to put it😂)
The boy told hem to calm down and he walked to the princes room. The prince flinched "so you brought that beast back..." i growled and the boy glared at me making me fall silent. "He has something he wants to say to you.." he looks at me and i look at him like hes stupid. I sigh and attempt to say im sorry but instead i just make a bunch of inhuman noises. I feel my face grow warm and the prince sits there dumbfounded. I sigh and limp to his table and write on his note pad im sorry. He then sighs and forgives me. I flop on the floor and unbandage my ankle. "Yikes thats pretty bad..." the prince mumbles "hey marshall give me a hand.

Marshalls pov

I go over there when the guy makes another noise. I stop and the noise kinda makes a word "mar-....marsh..." i stop and look at him "are you trying to say my name he nods and continues trying till he yells "marshmello!" I freeze from putting new bandages on his ankle and my face heats up. He says it again Nd smiles bubba chuckles and i mumble "so fucking cute"

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