Chapter 2:The beginning of the game part 2

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While Ryder and his friends were playing Call of duty:Mobile at the park.They were having so much fun playing together and they have never been this fun before.

Ryder P.O.V

"This is awesome guys,I have never been this fun before"I said while they were playing."Yeah,ever since I met you here,I rather stay at here in Adventure Bay and not going back to the Swellview.Man,this is great at here."Henry said."Uhhh,Henry.Where is Swellview?I don't know what are you talking about?"Carlos ask.

"It was Henry's home city and four of my friends that I introduce to you guys earlier.They come from different dimension."I explained.

Katie P.O.V

Wow, I have never thought that Ryder can make friends with the other dimension people like them.Well,they seem to be friendly and kind of course Ryder is the same either and they really just like a best friend forever,I don't know.What about I ask him how do he met them later.

Nobody P.O.V

Ryder:Oh,it seems like it getting dark now.We better head home.

Ash:Wait.I have a better idea.How about we stay at Ryder's lookout for a night like sleepover.

Zhask: That was a brilliant idea,Ash.How do you think about this.

Ash:Well,we heard Henry said that he wants to stay at Adventure Bay.So,I think out this idea so he might be happy with it.

Henry:Aww,thanks bro.

Ash:My pleasure.

Ryder:Come on,let's head to the lookout before it's getting late.

So, Ryder and his friends when back to his lookout and having a sleepover.The pups are inside the lookout waiting for Ryder to come back.

At the lookout

Ryder: Pups,I'm back.

Pups: RYDER!

The pups ran and pouch on him.

Ryder:Hey,that's tickle.(giggle)

Nine of his friends:(laughed)

Chase:Ehh,Ryder.Who are they?(except Katie,Jake,Carlos,Ace and Danny)

Ryder:Oh,they are my friends from the other dimension.Meet Henry,Ash,Zhask and Herobrine.


Herobrine:Ehh,Ryder.Why your pups can talk?

Ryder: Because they're special.

Ash:I've seen a talking pokemon before but I haven't seen a talking pup before.

Danny: What's pokemon,Ash?

Ash:Pokemon are like this.

Ash:Pokemon are like this

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