Bill Ending!

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(First ending to Never Trust A Demon)

!Trigger warning!


You sat down on the living room couch. From a distance you saw Dipper and Wendy talking about whatever. A small grin made its way to your face as you watched them. Bill as sitting next to you on the couch, which made you nervous at first, but he told you he was only visible to who he'd like to be, which was you at the moment. 

Bill slid his hand onto your thigh, which made you flinch. "Bill! What are you doing?" You scolded, voice barely above a whisper. Bill chuckled lowly and shushed you. 

"Don't worry about me sweetheart, worry about the possibility of Pinetree hearing you talk to me." 

You felt some mild anxiety rise into your body. The possibility of Dipper finding out I was talking to Bill Cipher sent a jolt of fear through you. You and Bill both knew that if Dipper found out you made a deal with Bill then that would blow any chances of ever being with him. Yet alone staying his friend. You shook off the thoughts and glared at Bill. 

"Why would you tell me that?!" You said, getting the attention of Dipper. 

"Who are you talking to?"

You sucked in a breath as Bill's grip on your thigh tightened. You made a weird squeak noise, making Dipper arch a brow. "I- I was eavesdropping and I guess I forgot I wasn't apart of your conversation." You lied, hoping Dipper said some random shit that made your lie valid. 

"Oh yeah, sorry. Not many people want to know about Stan's constipation." Dipper shrugged. 

What the fuck.

You laughed nervously. "Y-Yeah, that's gross." You failed to notice the way Bill glared at Dipper. 

TIME SKIP (I don't exactly know what to write so let's get to the good part-)

You waited outside on a log while Bill went to brainwash Dipper. You hummed a song as your heart fluttered, yet you felt a strange pain. Why would you let Bill brainwash Dipper? Dipper literally hates Bill with every ounce of his being, yet you went ahead and collected Bill so he could fuck with Dipper's mind. 

You started having second thoughts, so you hopped off the log and hurried off to the Mystery Shack. As you neared an awful stench filled the air and you scrunched your nose up in disgust.

You went to open the door but it was jammed. After several minutes of banging and crashing on the door it slowly opened on its own. You sucked in a breath and stepped inside.

The smell of rotting corpses filled your nose and you gagged. Something was obviously wrong. You feared the worst as you peered upstairs, seeing a dim light on in the attic.

You creeped upstairs, the creaking of the floorboards made you flinch. As you neared the door a smear of red and a few handprints were outside the door, as if someone put up a struggle. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed blood.. Which is what you feared most.

You placed your hand on the door, hesitating before opening it up and almost puking on the spot.

Wendys bloody corpse was limp on the ground. Her throat had a deep slit in it and one of her eyes was taken out of her socket. A big triangle was engraved on her stomach as a bunch of bodily fluids leaked out of her.

You wanted to run, but you saw Dipper.

He, luckily, wasn't dead. He was in a straightjacket, chained up to the wall. Duct tape was wrapped over his mouth as tears spilled from his eyes.

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