I Hate You.

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Requested by httydxoxo! This is a lime, hope you like it! Just a fair warning I'm not expert at lime so if it's bad then I'm sorry ;-;
Basically your Pacifica's sister, who was an accident when her mother solicited some dude and refused to take you as his. You don't know about this, or course. You and Pacifica both hate Dipper, or so you thought.

You and Dipper's age: 16


Dipper Pines. 

God, I hate that name. He ruins everything! His sister I'm not as bothered by, dare I say... she's even considered a friend. But Dipper has to walk around with his head up his ass, thinking he knows better than everyone else! God I just want to rip out his-

"Y/N NorthWest!" Your father called, ringing that dumb bell. You flinched and walked downstairs and faced your father. "Yes, daddy?" (I swear this is not a kink thing-) Preston put the bell in his vest pocket and placed his hands behind his back. 

 "Your sister left to the Mystery Shack to invite the twins to the party this year." You eased a brow. 
"And what does this have to do with me?"

"She hasn't returned in three hours. I need her home, now. Do you understand?" Preston said sternly. You nodded and looked down. "Yes, daddy." 
"Now go change yourself, I don't want you ruining your dress." 

You rushed upstairs with a small smile on your face. It was rarely ever when you got to wear clothes that were comfortable. You slipped off the dress, which left you in your undergarments. You were folding the dress neatly, until you heard your door open.

Your eyes went wide as you looked behind you, only to sigh when you realized it was only Priscilla. "Yes, mother?" 

She handed you a stack of folded clothes and F/C (or black) combat boots. "Here, take these. I can not risk your heals getting muddy!" She then looked you up and down. You started to feel awkward, considering you were half naked. But, she was your mother.

"My, have you grown!" She exclaimed. You laughed awkwardly. "I bet you'll have that Pines boy all over you!" Priscilla patted my head and walked out the room. Your jaw was basically to the floor. You felt your face heat up and a scowl was now present on your features. 

"Yeah, right." 

You unfolded the clothes she gave you, which was a simple F/C shirt with black shorts and a black jacket. You slipped on the shorts and put the shirt on, the jacket following soon after. You slipped on the combat boots and looked in your big mirror. A small smile crept onto your face as you fixed your hair into (whatever hairstyle).


You've been hiking for about 15 minutes until you finally saw the shack in the distance. You paused for a hot minute before running towards the shack. You slowed to a jog then to a walk as you neared to the door. 

Panting, you reached your arm up and knocked on the door. You heard someone running from upstairs and the door opened, revealing the face of Dipper Pines. He gave you a confused look, which quickly turned into a bored expression.

"Great, more Northwest's. What do you want, to make out with me too?" You deadpanned and your face scrunched up in disgust. 
"In your horny dreams. Wait, what do you mean 'too'?" 

He opened the door farther so you could come inside. You walked past him with your nose in the air. You smelt his cologne as you walked by, which for the record, smelt amazing. You shook off the weird and somewhat creepy thought as you walked straight into the employees only room, to be greeted with a shocking sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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