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  Castiels attention was caught when the Winchester moved in his arms, signalling he was awake. Castiel stayed quiet, and closed his eyes, mimicking sleep.

  "I know you're not sleeping Cas.." Dean whispered, not yet fully awake. Castiel just smiled, and shrugged gently.

  "How did you sleep Dean?" Castiel asked, his arms still wrapped around the older Winchester. He enjoyed the warmth that radiated from Dean.

  "Actually amazing." Dean said quietly, his head laying on Castiels chest. The twos legs were tangled together under the blanket as well. Castiels face heated up as he smiled sweetly. He brought his hand to Deans hair once again, noticing that the male liked it. Dean frowned, knowing that he shouldn't be getting as comfortable with the angel as he had been.

  "Guys! There was a.." Sam started as he bursted in the door. Dean shot away from the brunette and glared at the door. "Never mind I'll come back." He finished, turning around and closing the door. Dean groaned, climbing out of the bed. 

  "We should see what he was talking about, get dressed." Dean said, sounding sort of disappointed. Castiel let out a sigh as he brought his torso up, and slipped his legs off the edge of the bed. He hoped Dean wouldn't disregard last night, because he wouldn't.

  Castiel followed Dean to the room over where Sam was typing on his computer. He looked up at the two and smirked.

  "Have a nice night?" Sam teased, winking at Dean. Normally Dean was the one to be winking at his brother and teasing him, but the tables had turned. Dean just rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms.

  "It's not what you think" Dean retorted defensively. "What'd you find?" he asked,changing the subject and walking towards where his younger brother was sat. He leaned over him, watching what he did on the laptop.

  "I found a pattern, what the thing does before it killed that guy at the diner and before that girl got murdered in her home." Sam started explaining, pulling up a tab of notes he had typed out. "It starts with mass cattle growing ill, and a decrease in eggs from chickens. I don't understand why, but it happened twice." Sam finished, waiting for him brother to ask him a question that would launch him further into the clues he found.

  "Okay so it disrupts barn animals, but why do you think that's a pattern, it could just be a coincidence." Dean said, not quite believing Sam spiel. Sam nodded, bringing up news articles from ten years ago. 

  "It's has been before, but its all the same and always leads up to the murders. These articles date back to when newspaper was invented man, and it's all ten years apart, the same thing, five victims." Sam explained further, connecting all the dots.

  Castiel cocked his head, he was still puzzled as to what this being was. Something that dated back over a hundred years and needed to feed every ten years? It didn't sound like anything he knew, and he knew a lot of the supernatural creatures. How had he not heard of something hundreds of years old?

  "How couldn't we have seen it sooner? I mean dad would've seen it wouldn't he?" Dean questioned, growing confused and unsure of how to continue the hunt.

  "I don't know, maybe it's just something he never caught wind of." Sam responded, closing his laptop and slipping it into its bag. He stood up and placed the bag beside the duffel bag on the couch.

  "Well did you see any hints as to where it went?" Dean asked, his arms raised in a questioning manner. 

  "It never left, just moved to the other side of the town, close to here." Sam said, his face unreadable. Dean bit his cheek, at least they could avoid moving on to another motel, it got tiring to find a new one every single night. 

  "I think that the safest bet is to use Cas's angel blade on it." Sam said, turning to face Castiel, who just looked at him blankly. "Your blade can kill a lot of things right?" Sam asked, Dean also looking at Castiel for an answer.

  "Uhm, yes, I suppose it could." Castiel answered, not exactly sure what his blade could actually kill other then angels and being used as a mere, normal blade. 

  "Well then that's our best bet." Dean stated with a small shrug. Castiel shifted his weight to both feet evenly, and stuck his hands in his pockets.

  "I propose you two stay here while I track the thing down and kill it." Castiel said, looking between the brothers in front of him.

  "No fucking way Cas, you can't face that thing alone." Dean protested, dropping his arms to his sides. There was no way in hell he was letting Castiel go alone. Sam placed a hand on his brothers shoulder.

  "Maybe we should let Cas take this one, he can handle himself." Sam suggested, seeing the way the angel looked at Dean. He knew that Castiel didn't want Dean to get hurt, and Sam didn't either.

  "Really Sam? You're taking his side?" Dean said, facing Sam angrily. Sam just nodded as a whoosh sound filled his ears and the angel was gone. "Dammit Sammy.." Dean seethed, his voice trailing off as he made his out of the younger Winchester room and to his own. It was still before noon, and who knew when Castiel would return. 

  Dean looked at the bed and crawled onto it, still unsure of what to do. He wanted to go and help Castiel but he didn't have the slightest clue where he was. He also knew that it would make Castiel happy if he did as he wanted and stayed safe. Dean sighed as he flopped onto the bed, curling up under the blanket and staring at the wall for what felt like hours before finally drifting back to sleep. He just hoped he could sleep all day until Castiel returned. 

  Deans dreams were filled of good memories of Cas, the fun things they had done together, the stupid things he had done to make Dean laugh. Castiel was such a huge part of Deans life now, and if he had been told the angel would mean so much to him when they met, he wouldn't believe it. Now, he wasn't able to deny the feelings he had for the angel. The way that he made him feel. The butterflies that he got when he saw him, and the smile that popped up on his face when they talked. But he was scared to ruin their friendship, scared to mess up what they already had, and terrified to hurt him. So instead of saying anything, in fear of rejection or awkwardness, he stayed quiet. He wasn't sure that the angel even felt the same, yet here he was, falling hard for the angel in a tan trench coat.

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