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Dean huffed in frustration as the bathroom door closed. What a dick.. And did Castiel call him kitten? And did he like it?

"Hey Jerk, you gonna stay in there all day or come spend time with us?" Sam shouted, his voice sounding lightly muffled through the door. Dean knew he couldn't leave the bathroom like he was, that would be embarrassing.

"Shut up bitch, I'm taking a shower." Dean recoiled, sighing as he switched the lock the on door handle and began stripping. He bent over the tub, turning on the water, letting it get to an appropriate temperature before switching it to the shower head. The sandy haired Winchester stepped under the rushing water, letting it cascade over his chest as he drew in a breath. Now that he was alone with only the sounds of running water, he had time to really think.

How was he so quick to let the angel in like this? It was like he had no boundaries with Castiel, he just let him in, and liked it. And what would happen if Castiel became human? What if Dean hurt him? There was a reason Dean stayed away from relationships. He didn't want anyone to get hurt, and in his line of work, it was inevitable. What if Dean died working a case? If Castiel and him remained together then what if something went wrong.

Their dream to leave their old lives behind? It was simply a dream, they could never actually escape everything they've done. You can't just live normally after doing what they've done and seeing what they have. Escaping the lives they grew up with.. it just wasn't possible, and Dean knew that. He knew that if he wanted to keep Castiel from getting hurt he couldn't be with him. The angel would be better off anyway? Wouldn't he?

-I know this part is really really short but I felt like it was better to cut it here then to add on Castiels reactions and such. I'm going to publish another chapter today to make up for this one being short.-

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