part two .stranger.

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Castiel was the one to wake up the boys. He didn't sleep, instead watched late night tv shows while they brothers got their rest. Sam got up without a fight, actually enjoying the early mornings. He got up and made his way to his bag, picking out his outfit and entering the bathroom to change.

"Dean, if you don't wake up, the lead we have will grow cold." Castiel warned, stripping dean of the blanket that protected him from the cold.

"Fucks sake Cas.." Dean groaned, sitting up. Cas noticed his bare chest and exposed legs. He had gone to bed in only boxers, which was usual for him but caused Cas to get flustered and look away.

"Get dressed so we can go get you two fed and get on our way." Cas said sternly, stepping towards the door. "There is a diner across the street, I'll meet you two there." He said as he opened the door, backing out of it and closing it gently. He could faintly feel the attraction he felt for Dean before, and he was beginning to miss that feeling. He crossed the barren street, finding it almost eerie that there were no cars driving along it.

A ding of the door alerted the diner owner that someone new had arrived, surprising the woman behind the counter. Castiel made eye contact with the older looking woman, with curly red hair, littered with grey strands, and gentle blue eyes that had creases from smiling. She moved from behind the bar to greet the new customer.

"Hiya my names Chelly, welcome to Chell's Diner!" She said happily, walking up to Castiel. She had a small bounce to her walk, and was clearly a very sweet person. Although he wasn't the best with other people, he put on a smile and introduced himself.

"My name is Castiel, my two friends will be joining me shortly." He said, signaling across the street at the motel. Chelly took a peak across to where he was pointing and nodded. She knew that motel didn't get much business but when it did it was good for her too. She grabbed three menu's from a rack on the counter and lead Castiel to a booth near the door with a window facing the road.

Upon sitting down, Castiel noticed there was only one other person seated, fairly close to him. A younger looking girl around her twenties. With nothing else to do but wait, he observed the girl for a few moments. She had short brown hair the curled sightly at the end, and a light colored beanie to accessorize. He noted that it was odd to wear that inside an establishment because he recalled they were worn to keep someone warm during cold seasons or climates. He noticed her big brown eyes, they were lighter brown from what he could tell, but was too far away to notice any details. Her attention was solely on the phone she held in her hand, slowly scrolling with her thumb.

Her coffee had no cream in it, and he obviously couldn't tell if she had sugar in it or not, but he wondered if she was the type of person to enjoy black coffee. Castiel eyed the burger with fries sat to the side of the table, he could faintly remember the taste of the greasy food and slightly craved some. The girl didn't look like she had touched her burger, maybe it wasn't very good? Before he could get caught staring, Castiel looked away and instead scanned through one of the menus he had in front of him.

  After a few minutes, the two Winchester's entered the diner. Sam looked wide awake and put together, whereas Dean seemed to still be tired and he was looking a bit disheveled. Once inside, Dean looked around, taking in the diners interior before his eyes found Cas seated waiting for them. Dean tapped his brothers shoulder, then pointed to the table where the angel was sitting and began walking towards it. Sam followed but couldn't help watch the stranger seated nearby. When both men were seated, Dean beside Cas and Sam across from the two, Dean reached for the menu in Castiel's hand and began looking through it. Sam had a look on his face, something between caution and curiosity, and his gaze shifted between the table and the female sat near them. The girls attention remained glued to her phone and she took a sip of her coffee as she continued scrolling. He sighed as he seemingly came to a decision to pretend she wasn't there and leaned slightly closer, speaking in a hushed tone.

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