This story is also on my Fanfiction Account: RatchetLover
Nano-Click: Second
Klick: Minute
Joor: Hour
Orn: Day
Cycle: Week
Groon: Month
Mega-Cycle: Year
Chapter One-
"They're so beautiful" a black and gold femme with magenta optics claimed, holding two sparkling.
"They are sweetspark, what should we name them?" a grey gladiator asked.
"How about the older one is Nightshade" the femme said.
"And the younger one is Firestorm" the mech declared.
The couple looked at their new-sparked sparklings and smiled.
"Nightshade and Firestorm, our Decepticon Princes" they smiled proudly.
"Hey Doc-bot, what's up?" a 15 year old human girl with dusty black hair and amber eyes asked.
"The sky" a white and orange/red male cybertronian grumbled, not turning away from the computer.
"Okay Ratchet, so your 'The sky'?" she asked tilting her head.
"Miko leave Ratchet alone!" a 12 year old boy with brown spikey hair and brown eyes yelled from his spot on the couch.
"Uhg, fine" the 15 year old girl, Miko, gave up and walked off.
"Thank you, Rafael" the white and orange/red cybertronian, Ratchet, thanked.
"Anytime Ratchet" Rafael called back.
: Time Skip- 3 Hours Later:
"Who wants to play Truth or Dare?!" Miko asked as she and her green guardian, Bulkhead, got back from doing patrol.
"I'm in" Rafael and a raven haired boy with blue eyes called.
"Me too" a blue and pink femme, a yellow and black mech, and Bulkhead said in unison.
"Ratchet?" Rafael asked walking over to where the Autobot medic was.
"Yes Rafael?" Ratchet asked looking down at him.
"Can you play too, Please?" Raf begged.
"Fine" the medic grumbled.
"Thank you!" Raf thanked happily.
"Whatever" Ratchet walked over to the other players and sat down.
"Okay, who starts?" Rafael asked.
"I will," the raven haired boy, Jack, answered.
"Okay go" Rafael said.
"Alright, Arcee truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Arcee said stubbornly.
"I dare you to kiss Optimus." Jack said smiling.
Arcee glared at her human until Optimus came in, "Fine," Arcee said getting up.
She walked over to Optimus and kissed him on the cheek.
"What is going on?" Optimus asked as everyone, except Ratchet and Arcee, burst out laughing.
"I'm sorry Optimus Jack dared me to kiss you." Arcee explained looking down at the ground.
"It is alright Arcee, Jack may I play too?" Optimus asked the young human.
"Sure!" Optimus sat down with everyone else.
"Arcee your turn." Jack said.
"Alright, Bulkhead truth or dare?"
"Dare." Bulkhead said.
"I dare you to smash one of Ratchets tools." Arcee dared.
"Don't you dare" Ratchet growled.
"Sorry Ratch' it was a dare." Bulkhead said.
Bulkhead got up and smashed one of Ratchets frame wielders.
"Bulkhead! I NEEDED THAT!" Ratchet screamed.
"Sorry again Ratchet" Bulkhead apologized.
"Whatever" Ratchet muttered.
"Optimus truth or dare?'
"Truth please" Optimus said.
"How did you meet Megatron?" Bulkhead asked.
:Time Skip: - Long Story later -
"Awesome!" Miko.
"Wow" Raf.
"Cool, Optimus your turn." Jack.
"Rafael truth or dare?"
"Truth," Rafael said.
"How many siblings do you have?" Optimus asked.
"About 6" Rafael answered.
"Bumblebee truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Bee beeped happily.
"I dare you to hug Ratchet." Raf said.
"K!" Bumblebee got up and hugged Ratchet.
"Miko truth or dare?"
"Miko 'bee asked you." Raf informed his confused friend.
"Oh, Dare" Miko smirked.
"I dare you to run around screaming." 'Bee chirped.
"He dares you to run around screaming."
"Oh, OK" Miko got up and ran around screaming before sitting back down.
"Alright, Ratchet truth or dare?"
"Truth." Ratchet grumbled.
"Aw, Ok, who are your parents?" Miko asked.
Ratchet stiffened but luckily no one noticed.
"Classified." Ratchet finally got out in a whisper.
"Nuh-uh, Ratchet you have to tell us" Miko told him.
"No." Ratchet said stubbornly.
"Yes." Miko growled.
Ratchet got up and walked out of the room.
"That... was weird." Raf said concerned for his friend.
"Ya! And he totally ditched us!" Miko complained.
"Um, okay, so what do we do know?" Jack asked.
"Go after him?" Arcee suggested.
"Give him time." Optimus advised.
No one noticed Ratchet was watching them. Ratchet sighed and started to leave the base. He couldn't tell them, they couldn't know, if they did he would be a prisoner. They Could NOT Know Who His Creators Were!

Firestorm and Nightshade
FanfictionWhat if Ratchet has secrets that he would carry to the grave? What if one of those secrets where about his carrier, Sire, and... brother?